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All decks 30
  • Vector fields

    Explore the fascinating world of vector fields in Rn, discover engaging visualizations, and access open-source resources to deepen your understanding.

  • Fractal: Golden dragon

    Discover the fascinating world of the golden ratio and its mathematical properties through a concise step-by-step exploration. Uncover how this unique constant influences various aspects of art, nature, and design! Video:

  • Rotating circles

    Construction of rotating circles.

  • Construcción de Cónicas como Envolventes de Familias de Rectas

  • Seminario de innovación docente

    Seminario de innovación docente - Universidade da Coruña

  • Domain Coloring

    Visualization of complex functions using domain coloring.

  • Hexagonal curves

    Hexagonal curves:

  • Zip command

    Exploring the Zip( ) command in GeoGebra:

  • Matrix diagonalisation

    A didactic proposal for applying matrix diagonalisation: parametrising the intersection of a sphere and plane with the aid of GeoGebra

  • Lorenz Attractor

    Lorenz attractor in GeoGebra:

  • Number sense

  • Lists of numbers and objects

    Exploring the Sequence( ) command in GeoGebra:

  • Fractal trees

    How to make fractal trees in GeoGebra. Video:

  • Research/SoTL career history

  • MATH1052 overview

  • Demos: SCIE1000

    Demos: SCIE1000

  • The mathematical beauty of epicycles

    The mathematical beauty of epicycles

  • Mystery curves

    Exploring mystery curves with GeoGebra

  • MATH2400 overview

  • Open-source online tools to visualise and explore complex functions with domain colouring

    Presentation for the Delta Conference 2021.

  • Simulación del péndulo

    Presentación para la V Jornada de GeoGebra de la Comunitat Valenciana.

  • GeoGebra classroom to foster active participation in online mathematics tutorials

    A brief introduction to GeoGebra, its online tools, and GeoGebra Classroom. Presentation for the First Year In MATHS QLD 2021

  • applications-harmonic-functions

  • GeoGebra Classroom: A virtual platform for remote learning to foster active engagement

    A brief introduction to GeoGebra, its online tools, and GeoGebra Classroom. Presentation for the First Year In MATHS NSW

  • GeoGebra Classroom: A virtual platform for remote learning to foster active engagement

    A brief introduction to GeoGebra, its online tools, and GeoGebra Classroom. Presented at the Mathematical Educational Software Interest Group (MESIG) Friday 11 December 2020

  • Clases de Objetos y Colores Dinámicos en GeoGebra

    Una introducción al uso del guión de GeoGebra para crear clases de objetos y colores dinámicos

  • Curvas Misteriosas

    Explorando simetrías de curvas paramétricas con GeoGebra.

  • Modelo SIR

    Una colaboración breve con el canal de Youtube Math2me:

  • Lecture MATH3401

    Geometric representation of series

  • Visualising Complex Functions

    A brief introduction to domain coloring to visualize and study complex functions.