Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano
Independent Mathematics Educator
Explore mystery curves
Simple rotations
Double rotations
A = (0, 0)
c = Circle(A, 1)
B = Point(c)
t = Slider(0, 2 pi, 0.001, 0.4)
B' = Rotate(B, t)
v1 = Vector(A, B')
d = Circle(B', 1/2)
C = Point(d)
C' = Rotate(C, 6 * t, B')
e = Circle(C', 1/3)
v2 = Vector(B', C')
D = Point(e)
D' = Rotate(D, -14 * t, C')
v3 = Vector(C', D')
locus = Locus(D', t)
a.k.a. GeoGebra Script
R1 = 1
R2 = 1/2
R3 = 1/3
w1 = 1
w2 = 6
w3 = -14
fx(x) = R1 * cos(w1 * x) + R2 * cos(w2 * x) + R3 * cos(w3 * x)
fy(x) = R1 * sin(w1 * x) + R2 * sin(w2 * x) + R3 * sin(w3 * x)
a = Curva(fx(t), fy(t), t, 0, 2 pi)
a.k.a. GeoGebra Script
{1, 6, -14}
{1, 6, -14}
What is the relationship between the frequencies \(\{1, 6, -14\}\) and the rotational symmetry of order \(5\)?
The greatest common divisor of \(-5, 20,\) y \(15\) is:
\(1, 6\) y \(-14\) congruent 1 modulus 5
\(1,6,-14 =1 \left(\text{mod} \, 5\right)\)
1. Look for rotational symmetries of order 3 and 4.
2. What is the order of symmetry of the numbers 2, 8, -10?
Note:Â The common factor for the numbers 2, 8 y -10 is 2.
​​​RandomUniform( <Min>, <Max> )
RandomBetween( <Min> , <Max> )
R1 = RandomUniform(0.5, 4.5)
w1 = RandomBetween(0, 9)
3. Create a boton with the command UpdateConstruction()
R1 = RanformUniform(0.5, 4.5)
w1 = RandomBetween(0, 9)
3. Create a boton with the command UpdateConstruction()
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1. Build mystery curves using complex numbers
2. Generalize the construction for \(n\) terms
Share your work in GeoGebra Classroom: YHEG X7HK
🔗 Creating symmetry:
The artful mathematics
of wallpaper patterns
Frank A. Farris
Book of activities: Mystery curves
Activity: Change of frequencies
Applets used in this presentation
Video Workshop - Institut GeoGebra Valencia
Visit 🔗 jcponce.com for more projects
By Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano
Exploring mystery curves with GeoGebra