
GCS and SDAR Synergy

Karl Ho

School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences (EPPS)

University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)


  1. GIS (now Geospatial Computational Science) has full ecosystem from undergraduate to Ph.D.
  2. SDAR have some good enrollment trend.
  3. Both on Data Science and have common interests:
    1. Courses:
      • Data visualization
      • Machine learning
      • Spatial analysis


  • Curriculum
    • Incorporate further each others/ current elective/prerequisites
    • SDAR/GIS master's program fast-track?
    • Not change much but include each other further


  • Joint conference + pre-conference workshop (Fall)
    • Theme: Spatial data science
      • Guest speakers
      • Student posters
      • Invited panel (6 papers, 3 internal, 3 DFW)
      • Alum speakers
      • Soft job fair (invited industry reps).


  • Karl Tour to Taiwan in summer
    • To promote both programs particularly Geospatial programs (e.g. certificate, master, Ph.D.)
    • Build faculty exchange and possible dual degree program
    • give talks on promoting interest in Geospatial Computational Science (GCS).
  • Internship for GCS students (undergraduate and graduate) in Taiwan

Proposal: GCS and SDAR Synergy

By Karl Ho

Proposal: GCS and SDAR Synergy

  • 301