READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

University of Leipzig

Konstantin Freybe, M.A.

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READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data


  1. Facts & Figures
  2. Mission
  3. Target User Groups
  4. Key Performance Indicators
  5. Obligations
  6. Approaching Archival Documents
  7. Tools & Services

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

1. Facts & Figures

January 1st 2016 - June 30th 2019
received through EU research & innovation programme H2020
13 partners coordinated by University of Innsbruck
10 institutions (increasing) as associated partners via memorandum of understanding

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

2. Mission

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

2. Mission

  • increase accessibility of archival documents
  • revolutionise Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR)
  • establish Virtual Research Environments (VRE)

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

3. Target User Groups

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

3. Target User Groups

  • Memory Institutions

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

3. Target User Groups

  • Memory Institutions
    • Archives
    • Libraries
    • Museums

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

3. Target User Groups

  • Memory Institutions
  • Humanities Scholars
  • Computer Scientists
  • public users & volunteers (crowd-sourcing)

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

4. Key Performance Indicators

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

4. Key Performance Indicators

  • publications
    15-25 scientific publications per year
  • reference data
    3.000.000 images with at least 50.000 pages of reference data
  • competitions
    organised at various conferences to measure progress of research

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

5. Obligations

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

5. Obligations

H2020 Grant Agreement

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

5. Obligations

H2020 Grant Agreement

  • publications
    OPEN ACCESS - scientific publications must be openly accessible online
  • reference data
    OPEN ACCESS - generated data is to be stored in a repository and made accessible for third parties
  • [software]
    OPEN SOURCE [e-Infrastructure call by the EU]

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

6. Approaching Archival Documents

6. Approaching Archival Documents

Musical Instruments Museum Leipzig, Inv.: 926

6. Approaching Archival Documents

6. Approaching Archival Documents

Musical Instruments Museum Leipzig, Inv.: 793

Musical Instruments Museum Leipzig, Inv.: 926

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

6. Approaching Archival Documents

  • identifying documents

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

6. Approaching Archival Documents

  • identifying documents
  • digitisation
    • images identified:
    • signatures identified:

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

6. Approaching Archival Documents

  • identifying documents
  • digitisation

=> apply READ's tools

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

7. Tools & Services

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

7. Tools & Services

  • Transkribus
    • text segmentation, automated transcriptions, writer hand retrieval
    • trainable software which is intended for unsupervised use

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

7. Tools & Services

  • Transkribus
  • ScanREAD
    • utility app for digitisation of archival documents

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

7. Tools & Services

  • Transkribus
  • ScanREAD
  • e-Learning-App
    • software intended to help users decipher historical handwritings

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

7. Tools & Services

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  • READ platform:
  • READ homepage:
  • User Guide:

READ | Recognition and
Enrichment of Archival Data

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By kfreybe



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