RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard
Grasping Game Audio Using The Example of The 'Save Room Theme'
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
1 - Introduction
3 - Analytical Framework: Karen Collins - Game Audio
2 - Objective
4 - Methodological Approaches
5 - Outlook
6 - Summary
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
1 - Introduction
3 - Analytical Framework: Karen Collins - Game Audio
2 - Objective
- Research Question
- Sources
4 - Methodological Approaches
5 - Outlook
6 - Summary
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
1 - Introduction
3 - Analytical Framework: Karen Collins - Game Audio
- Systemizing Game Audio
- Functions of Game Audio
- The 'Save Room Theme' as Game Audio
2 - Objective
4 - Methodological Approaches
5 - Outlook
6 - Summary
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
1 - Introduction
3 - Analytical Framework: Karen Collins - Game Audio
2 - Objective
4 - Methodological Approaches
- Self-Observation
- Narrative Interview
- Optional: Decision against certain approches
5 - Outlook
6 - Summary
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
1 - Introduction
3 - Analytical Framework: Karen Collins - Game Audio
2 - Objective
4 - Methodological Approaches
5 - Outlook
- Directions of Further Research
6 - Summary
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
2 - Objective
Research Question:
What is the purpose of the 'Save Room Theme' and how does it contribute to RE7's gameplay expierence?
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
What is the purpose of the 'Save Room Theme' and how does it contribute to RE7's gameplay expierence?
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
2 - Objective
Research Question:
What is the purpose of the 'Save Room Theme' and how does it contribute to RE7's gameplay expierence?
- RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard
- Fandoms
- Media Coverage
- Experiments
- exploring Research Technologies
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
3 - Analytical Framework
Karen Collins: Game Sound. An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design.
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
3 - Analytical Framework
Karen Collins: Game Sound. An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design.
"Degrees of Player Interactivity in Dynamic Audio"
"The Functions of Game Audio"
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
3 - Analytical Framework
Degrees of Player Interactivity in Dynamic Audio
kinetic gestural
Analysis & Description
RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
3 - Analytical Framework
Degrees of Player Interactivity in Dynamic Audio
Adaptive Audio
Interactive Audio
Dynamic Audio
Diegetic Sounds
- p. 184: "(...) are sounds that occur in the diegesis [narrative space].
- ibid.: "Sound that reacts to changes in gameplay Environment and /or in response to a user.
- p. 183: "refers to Sound that occurs in the game Environment, reacting to gameplay (...)[not user]."
- p. 185: "(...) occuring in reaction to gameplay, which can respond to the player directly."
RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
3 - Analytical Framework
Degrees of Player Interactivity in Dynamic Audio
RE7's 'Save Room Theme' occurs as nondiegetic, dynamic/interactive audio.
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
The Functions of Game Audio
3 - Analytical Framework
preparatory function
p. 128: "Although game audio typically maintains all the functions found in film or television sound, there are also some distinct differences in the ways in which audio functions in games.
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
The Functions of Game Audio - Selection
3 - Analytical Framework
preparatory function
p. 130: "(...) to alert the player to an upcoming event (...)
ibid.: "(...) use of sound symbols to help identify goals and focus the player's perception on certain objects."
p. 133: "Adding to the immersive effects of gameplay is the communication of emotional meaning, which in game Audio occurs in much the same way as in linear media."
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
4 - Methodological Approaches
video recording (no voice recorded)
research journal
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
4 - Methodological Approaches
-documentation hepls identify occurances of the 'Save Room Theme' and locate load-in points for further experiments
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
4 - Methodological Approaches
Narrative Interview
Stimulus: Gameplaysession
Location: My Appartment
Participants: 2 male casual gamers, briefly familiar with the series 'Resident Evil'
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
4 - Methodological Approaches

Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
4 - Methodological Approaches
Participant 1: T.B.
felt pressured by the thread imposed by Jack Baker
session begins in Dinner Room; objective: "Get to the Main Hall"
got overrun by car in Bossfight against Jack Baker
did not actively refer to relieving effect of music
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
4 - Methodological Approaches
Participant 2: M.Z.
felt pressured by the thread imposed by Jack Baker
did not actively refer to relieving effect of music
session Begins shortly before Bossfight against Mia Winters
remained calm during Bossfight against Jack Baker
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
5 - Outlook
During the first experiment the participants did not seem to take notice of the musical environment.
continue experiment with refined design
refocus research on relation between game music, game design and gameplay experience
Konstantin Freybe: RE7 biohazard - Grasping Game Audio
Konstantin Freybe, M.A.,
6 - Summary
While academics as well as developers suggest confidence in the idea that Music is used strategically in games in order to evoke specific affects in users, first experiments showed that related phenomena are not easily accessible and reconstructable.
But the research done sofar is not much more than a probe. Further measure can be planed on the basis of this case study and collaborative writing on pubpub is a promising option.
RE7 Game Audio
By kfreybe
RE7 Game Audio
This presentation deals with RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard's "Save Room Theme" as subject of ludomusicological research.
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