Klas Modin PRO
Mathematician at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg
Luis Ángel Caffarelli
Nationality: Argentine–American
Born: 1948
PhD 1972 (University of Buenos Aires)
Calixto Calderón
University of Minnesota 1973-1983
Courant Institute, NYU 1980-1982
University of Chicago 1983-1986
IAS Princeton 1986-1996
Courant Institute, NYU 1994-1997
University of Texas at Austin 1997-today
For his seminal contributions to regularity theory for nonlinear partial differential equations including free-boundary problems and the Monge-Ampère equation.
Free boundary problems
Fluid dynamics (Navier-Stokes)
Stefan problem
Nonlinear PDE
Monge-Ampere equation
Focus of today
Question (Monge 1781): Cheapest way to transport one mass distribution to another?
Mathematical formulation:
Additional requirement: \(T\) should minimize
Transport map
acts on:
"Square root" equation:
Factorization theorem:
Vertical gradient flow:
Vertical gradient flow:
Horizontal gradient flow:
Relative entropy:
Horizontal gradient flow:
Lifted gradient flow on \(K\) for
Horizontal gradient flow:
Hessian of \(F(P)\) strictly positive on \(K\) \(\Rightarrow\) unique limit!
\(\mathrm{P}(n) \iff \) multivariate Gaussians with zero mean
\(\Rightarrow\) transport map \(T:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n\) linear, \(T(x) = A x\)
\(L^2\) instead of \(L^1\) cost
Theorem (Brenier 1987):
\(\mu_0,\mu_1\) prob measures on \(\Omega\subset\mathbb R^n\) (open, bounded) with \(\mu_i=\rho_id \mathbf x\)
Then \((*)\) has unique solution \[ T = \nabla \psi\]
where \(\psi:\Omega \to \mathbb R\) is convex
\(\psi\) solves the weak Monge-Ampere equation \[\int_\Omega \eta \rho_1 dx = \int_\Omega (\eta\circ\nabla\psi) \rho_0 dx,\qquad \forall \eta \in C(\Omega) \]
Note: \(\psi\in C^2(\Omega) \Rightarrow \rho_1\circ\nabla \psi\det(\nabla^2 \psi) = \rho_0 \) (strong MA)
Theorem (Brenier 1991):
\(T \in L^2(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^n)\) such that \(T_*\mu_0 = \mu_1\)
Exist unique \(S:\Omega\to\Omega\) with \(S_*\mu_0 = \mu_0\) and convex \(\psi\) such that \[T = (\nabla \psi) \circ S \]
Note: \(\psi\in C^2(\Omega) \Rightarrow \rho_1\circ\nabla \psi\det(\nabla^2 \psi) = \rho_0 \) (strong MA)
Theorem (Brenier 1991):
\(T \in L^2(\Omega,\mathbb{R}^n)\) such that \(T_*\mu_0 = \mu_1\)
Exist unique \(S:\Omega\to\Omega\) with \(S_*\mu_0 = \mu_0\) and convex \(\psi\) such that \[T = (\nabla \psi) \circ S \]
Note: \(\psi\in C^2(\Omega) \Rightarrow \rho_1\circ\nabla \psi\det(\nabla^2 \psi) = \rho_0 \) (strong MA)
Subdifferential: \(\partial \psi(x) = \{u \in\mathbb{R}^n\mid \forall y, \; \psi(y) \geq \psi(x) + u\cdot (y-x) \} \)
\(\psi(x) + u\cdot(y-x)\)
Non-convex domain
Negative curvature domain
[cf. Villani 2009]
"There is no hope for general regularity results
outside the world of nonnegative sectional curvature"
[Villani 2009]
Theorem (Caffarelli 1992):
\(\mu_0,\mu_1\) prob measures on \(\Omega\subset\mathbb R^n\) (convex) with \(\mu_i=\rho_id \mathbf x\)
\(\rho_i \in C^{k,\alpha}(\Omega), \quad 0<a\leq \rho_i(x) \leq b < \infty \)
Then \((*)\) has unique solution \[ T = \nabla \psi\]
where \(\psi\in C^{k+2,\alpha}(\Omega)\) is convex
\(\psi\) solves the strong Monge-Ampere equation \[\rho_1\circ\nabla \psi\det(\nabla^2 \psi) = \rho_0 \]
Riemannian metric
Induces metric
[Benamou & Brenier (2000), Otto (2001)]
Invariance: \( S\in\mathrm{Diff}_{\mu_0}(\Omega)\)
Exactly \(L^2\)-Wasserstein distance
[Arnold 1966, Hamilton 1982, Caffarelli 1992, Benamou and Brenier 2000, Otto 2001]
Brenier's polar
factorization: \(F = \nabla P\circ S\)
\(T = \nabla P\) solves OMT problem with \(\mu_0 = d\mathbf x\) and \(\mu_1 = \rho\,d\mathbf x\)
Slides available at: slides.com/kmodin
Caffarelli's work enables "safe ground" for geometers to work with smooth optimal transport
By Klas Modin
Colloquium about Abel Prize winners at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers and GU.
Mathematician at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg