Klas Modin PRO
Mathematician at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg
Leonhard Euler
Make sense on any Riemannian manifold
Apply curl to v
level-sets of ω
Lie-Poisson system on Xμ(S2)∗≃C0∞(S2)
Casimir functions:
Finite-dim (weak) co-adjoint orbits:
Idea by Onsager (1949):
Hamiltonian function:
Idea by Onsager (1949):
Hamiltonian function:
Onsager's observation:
Pos. and neg. strengths ⇒ energy takes values −∞ to ∞
Idea by Onsager (1949):
Hamiltonian function:
Onsager's observation:
Pos. and neg. strengths ⇒ energy takes values −∞ to ∞
⇒ phase volume function v(E) has inflection point
Idea by Onsager (1949):
Hamiltonian function:
Miller (1990) and Robert & Sommeria (1991): (MRS)
2D Euler equations are not ergodic
...but perhaps MRS is "generically" correct
Flow ergodic except at "KAM islands"
Poincaré section of finite dimensional Hamiltonian system
To test MRS we need to:
(criterion in MRS)
On T2 such discretization exists (sine-bracket)
[Zeitlin 1991, McLachlan 1993]
based on quantization theory by Hoppe (1989)
[Abramov & Majda 2003]
MRS generally assumed valid also on S2
However, non-structure preserving simulations by Dritschel, Qi, & Marston (2015) contradict MRS on S2
DQM simulation yield persistent unsteadiness
Our mission: trustworthy discretization on S2
Exists if M compact quantizable Kähler manifold
Idea: approximate Poisson algebra with matrix algebras
From 2D Euler
To isospectral
Let B:g→g
isospectral flow
Analytic function f yields first integral
Casimir function
Hamiltonian case
Hamiltonian function
Note: Non-canonical Poisson structure (Lie-Poisson)
[Hoppe, 1989]
Complicated coefficients, expressed by Wigner 3-j symbols of very high order
~2 weeks to compute coefficients for N=1025
banded matrices
What is ΔN and how compute ΔN−1W ?
(Naive approach requires O(N3) operations with large constant)
O(N2) operations
Note: corresponds to
N2 spherical harmonics
O(N2) operations
O(N3) operations
Isospectral flow ⇒ discrete Casimirs
Aim: numerical integrator that is
What about symplectic Runge-Kutta methods (SRK)?
[M. & Viviani 2019]
Given s-stage Butcher tableau (aij,bi) for SRK
Theorem: method is isospectral and Lie-Poisson preserving on any reductive Lie algebra
Evolution of quantized vorticity with N=501
Let's run it fast...
Strong numerical evidence against MRS!
What are "generic" initial conditions?
Our interpretation: sample from Gaussian random fields on H1+ϵ(S2)
Non-zero angular momentum
Observation: large scale motion quasiperiodic
Assumptions for new mechanism:
Known since long: k-PVD integrable for k≤3
What about the 4-blob formations?
4-PVD on S2 non-integrable in general, but integrable for zero-momentum [Sakajo 2007]
Aref (2007) on PVD:
"a classical mathematics playground"
"many strands of classical mathematical physics come together"
For generic initial conditions:
By Klas Modin
Presentation given 2021-02 at the Mathematics Colloquium of Florida State University.
Mathematician at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg