CTIN 583
Week 12 Wednesday
Project questions check-in
Perforce setup and team time
What are design patterns?
Perforce Setup
Perforce Setup
Sean Bouchard's Perforce workshop presentation has step-by-step instructions for:
- setting up a Perforce workspace
- checking in a practice file
- connecting Perforce to a Unity project
Design Patterns
Computer science is not about programming. It is about identifying abstract patterns of problems and abstract solutions.
For example:
Sorting a set of data
Searching a set of data
Finding a path within a graph
Finding matching data within a set
Once a pattern is identified, computer scientists can come up with abstract solutions to the problem.
For example, there are several algorithms for sorting a set of data, with names like Bubble Sort, QuickSort, or MergeSort.
Some are faster than others, and some work better with certain kinds of data sets.
Here is a super cool visual animation of several data algorithms:
Cool Code Stuff
As you get better at doing basic things with Unity and C#, you will eventually run into problems where you feel like you are missing something.
That is the point when you will want to explore more advanced code concepts, such as:
event systems
Cool Code Stuff
There are also exciting data structures that will help you do the stuff you want to do in a less awkward way. Some examples are:
Design Patterns
You don't actually need to know much about algorithms to make games, though it can be helpful!
But once you start making bigger projects with more than a few C# classes, you will want to understand design patterns.
Design Patterns
Here is a great website that describes patterns frequently used in game development:
It is fairly abstract, so we'll look at a couple of examples in class.
Design Patterns
When you are ready to dig in on design patterns, I strongly recommend this book:
It is written using Java for examples, and you'll need to understand a little bit about inheritance to make full use of it.
Also, it's out of print. It is still the best resource I know of.
CTIN 583 - W12 Wed Apr 6 - 2022 Spring
By Margaret Moser
CTIN 583 - W12 Wed Apr 6 - 2022 Spring
An introduction to algorithms and design patterns.
- 210