
Develop frontend components the npm(-ish) way

/ Frontend Developer

/ SinnerSchrader

/ Initial author of patternplate




      marionebl          @marionebl

Build stuff that enables people to do new things 

Enableing (principle for invention - see Bret Victor)

This talk


- [x]  It'se me, Mario

- [  ]  This talk

- [  ]  A (very) brief primer on Atomic Design

- [  ]  An (even shorter) mention of Living Styleguides

- [  ]  What patternplate actually is

- [  ]  What patternplate can do for you

- [  ]  QA

This talk


- [x]  It'se me, Mario

- [x]  This talk

- [  ]  A (very) brief primer on Atomic Design

- [  ]  An (even shorter) mention of Living Styleguides

- [  ]  What patternplate actually is

- [  ]  What patternplate can do for you

- [  ]  QA

A (very) brief primer on Atomic Design



/  Coined by Brad Frost

/  Way to describe your frontend in a modular fashion

/  Teach everyone in a project to talk about the same things



Atoms → Molecules → Organisms → Templates  → Pages

An (even shorter) mention of Living Styleguides


/  Bound to replace PDF styleguides

/  Try to evolve with the project they document

/  Show things PDF styleguides can not: animation, transition

/  Great for documentation of Atomic Design projects






 What patternplate actually is

/  Development server

/  Living Styleguide interface

/  Component dependency manager

/  Customizable build tool

/  Universal React application


/ Open Source




/  Full dependency tree

/  Demo and library code

/  Presentation of frontend components

/  JSX Templates

/  Creation of arbitrary build artifacts



 What patternplate can do for you

/  Static export of client (throw it at Apache)

/  Full integration of stateful React components

/  CSS Modules





- [x]  It'se me, Mario

- [x]  This talk

- [x]  A (very) brief primer on Atomic Design

- [x]  An (even shorter) mention of Living Styleguides

- [x]  What patternplate actually is

- [x]  What patternplate can do for you

- [  ]  QA

Thank you


By Mario Nebl


Develop frontend components the npm(-ish) way

  • 1,694