Affordable Learning Solutions
CC BY Tim Miller
- CHOICE: Enables the discovery of course content, including commercial publisher content, library resources, and a wide array of open educational resources (OER).
- AFFORDABILITY: Technology and partnerships that reduce the cost of learning materials for students and the CSU.
- ACCESSIBILITY: Every student is entitled to a high quality education with access to all learning materials.
ALS - CSU Initiative
Open Educational Resources
OER are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes.
Open Licenses
Free to use
Free to adapt
Free to reuse
Free to share
License Types
GNU General Public License
Creative Commons
Intellectual property rights are secondary to the purpose of the content.
All CC licenses require attribution
BY - only requires attribution
ND - no derivatives
SA - share alike (license is transferred)
NC - non-commercial use only
e.g. BY SA NC - share alike, non-commercial
- Any reuse must also be non-commercial -
ALS Website
HSU Library OER Guide
Guide to finding OER for your courses
- Only quality resources
- Kept up-to-date
- Work in progress
- give us feedback
- Not all programs represented... yet
By Tim Miller
- 1,308