KINS 165

Library Instruction - Tim Miller

707.826.4959 - Library 02 (lower level)

Foundations in Kinesiology

About Me

  • HSU Undergrad - 1995-2000
  • HSU Kins Grad- 2002-2005
  • Distance runner/coach
  • Teaching assistant
  • Jail library
  • Academic library

Kinesiology subject librarian

Research Basics

  • Organization
    • attention to detail
    • patience
    • time & exploration
  • online form
  • allows you to save your research
  • results are emailed to you
  • requirement for your class

Research Assignment

Research Guide

  • portal to Kinesiology research
  • recommended databases
  • tutorial videos
  • tips & tricks

Research Guide

Research Assignment

What is plagiarism?

  • copying work that isn't your own
  • not giving credit for ideas or content that you got from another source
  • submitting another person's work as your own
  • reproducing another person's work and claiming it as your own

HSU Academic Honesty Policy:

How do you avoid plagiarism?

  • credit any sources that you quote or paraphrase
    • quote: using the exact language
    • paraphrase: re-wording the concept in your own words
  • don't cheat!
    • only turn in work that you created yourself


Hunter, Lindsay and Anderson (2008) found that a, "lower approach velocity also appears to lead to a shorter jump and as a consequence, results in an uphill step out of the water pit following landing."

Excerpt from the paper I wrote about the steeplechase.

The text from a paper I found about the differences in steeplechase hurdling technique between men and women

Hunter, I., Lindsay, B. K., & Andersen, K. R. (2008). Gender differences and biomechanics in the 3000m steeplechase water jump. Journal Of Sports Science & Medicine(2), 218-222.


The text from a paper I found about the differences in hurdling technique between men and women

Excerpt from the paper I wrote about the steeplechase.

Hunter, Lindsay and Anderson (2008) found that a slower approach results in a shorter jump, which requires running up the ramp and out of the water pit.

Hunter, I., Lindsay, B. K., & Andersen, K. R. (2008). Gender differences and biomechanics in the 3000m steeplechase water jump. Journal Of Sports Science & Medicine(2), 218-222.

The text from a paper I found about the differences in hurdling technique between men and women

Excerpt from the paper I wrote about the steeplechase.

A slower approach velocity results in a shorter jump, which requires running up the ramp and out of the water pit.


There is no citation!!

Quiz: Plagiarism or not?

Hunter, I., Lindsay, B. K., & Andersen, K. R. (2008). Gender differences and biomechanics in the 3000m steeplechase water jump. Journal Of Sports Science & Medicine(2), 218-222.

The text from a paper I found about the differences in hurdling technique between men and women

Excerpt from the paper I wrote about the steeplechase.

Hunter, Lindsay and Anderson (2008) found a correlation between a slower approach velocity and a shorter jump, which "results in an uphill step out of the water pit following landing."

Not Plagiarism

citation and quotation marks

Quiz: Plagiarism or not?

Hunter, I., Lindsay, B. K., & Andersen, K. R. (2008). Gender differences and biomechanics in the 3000m steeplechase water jump. Journal Of Sports Science & Medicine(2), 218-222.

The text from a paper I found about the differences in hurdling technique between men and women

Excerpt from the paper I wrote about the steeplechase.

Hunter, Lindsay and Anderson (2008) found that the lower approach velocity leads to a shorter jump and results in an uphill step out of the water pit following landing.


Should be a quote- not paraphrasing.

Quiz: Plagiarism or not?

Hunter, I., Lindsay, B. K., & Andersen, K. R. (2008). Gender differences and biomechanics in the 3000m steeplechase water jump. Journal Of Sports Science & Medicine(2), 218-222.

Why quote?

  • When the passage you want to use is short and difficult to paraphrase
  • When the author uses specific wording that you want to emphasize
  • To mix things up- use a both quotations and paraphrasing to provide variety to the reader

Why paraphrase?

  • When the passage you want to use is very long
  • When you want to use more than one concept
  • To mix things up- use a both quotations and paraphrasing to provide variety to the reader

KINS 165

By Tim Miller

KINS 165

  • 1,318