Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Computational Chemistry

Nicholas J. Browning

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ursula Roethlisberger

  • Introduction
  • Motivation
  • GAML
  • ML-MTS



Science, 2018, 361, 6400, pp. 360-365

Chemical Design


Chemical Space

Space defined by all possible molecules given a set of construction rules and boundary conditions

Chemical spaces are vast

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 25, pp 8732–8733

ACS Chem Neurosci., 2012, 3, 9, pp 649–657.


>1060> 10^{60}
> 10^{60}

Chemical Accuracy

Full CI




Computational Cost





Motivating Remarks

 Designing new compounds with interesting properties requires searching incomprehensibly large chemical spaces

Requiring chemical accuracy for predicted properties engenders the use of computationally expensive electronic structure methods


1. Searching Chemical Space

2. Improving Chemical Accuracy, for Less

Evolutionary Algorithms

Optimisation algorithms inspired by biological processes or species behaviour


Particle Swarm Optimisation

Genetic Algorithms

Machine Learning

Replace expensive electronic structure calculation with cheaper, data-driven regression model

<ΨH^Ψ>f({Z,R})\left < \Psi| \hat H | \Psi \right >\rightarrow f(\{Z, R\})
\left < \Psi| \hat H | \Psi \right >\rightarrow f(\{Z, R\})


Motivating Remarks


1. Searching Chemical Space

2. Improving Chemical Accuracy, for Less

EVOLVE: An Evolutionary Toolbox for the Design of Peptides and Proteins

Nicholas J. Browning, Marta A. S. Perez, Elizabeth Brunk, Ursula Roethlisberger, in submission, JCTC, 2019.

  • Introduction
  • Motivation
  • GAML
  • ML-MTS


Haemoglobin (PDB 1A3N)

  • DNA Signalling
  • Acid-base catalysis
  • atom/group transfer
  • Electron transfer
  • Redox catalysis

Design of proteins is attractive:

  • Tune or change activity
  • Improve solvent tolerance
  • Increase thermal stability

Proteins fulfill a wide scope of biological functions ranging from regulation to catalytic activity:

Protein Design


  • Search space is large
  • E.g 50-residue protein:


20501×106520^{50} \approx 1 \times 10^{65}
20^{50} \approx 1 \times 10^{65}

possible sequences


Short 20-mer polyalanine

Central 8 residues open to mutation (purple spheres)

EVOLVE Algorithm and Prototype

Side chain dihedrals discretised into set of 177 low-energy conformers [1]

1. Proteins, 2000, 40, pp 389-408


χ={χi}\vec{\chi} = \{\chi_i\}
\vec{\chi} = \{\chi_i\}
f=ΔEsystemmutantΔEsystemref=EsystemmutantEsystemref+iN(Eaaref(i)Eaamutant(i))f = \Delta E^\text{mutant}_{\text{system}} - \Delta E^{\text{ref}}_\text{system} = E^\text{mutant}_\text{system} - E^\text{ref}_\text{system} + \sum_i^N (E^{\text{ref}}_\text{aa}(i) - E^{\text{mutant}}_\text{aa}(i))
f = \Delta E^\text{mutant}_{\text{system}} - \Delta E^{\text{ref}}_\text{system} = E^\text{mutant}_\text{system} - E^\text{ref}_\text{system} + \sum_i^N (E^{\text{ref}}_\text{aa}(i) - E^{\text{mutant}}_\text{aa}(i))
Esystem=EsystemFF99SB+ΔGsolGBE_\text{system} = E^{FF99SB}_\text{system} + \Delta G^{GB}_{sol}
E_\text{system} = E^{FF99SB}_\text{system} + \Delta G^{GB}_{sol}

Amber FF99SB force field

Solvent effects modelled by implicit solvent model

Backbone stability measure

ϵ=80\epsilon = 80
\epsilon = 80
ϵ=50\epsilon = 5 0
\epsilon = 5 0
ϵ=10\epsilon = 10
\epsilon = 10

Buried Protein Environment

Solvent Exposed


EVOLVE Fitness Function


94 Rotamers

177 Rotamers

177 Rotamers

-40.6 kcal/mol

-28.4 kcal/mol

-42.3 kcal/mol

EVOLVE Optimisation Curves


Fittest Individuals - Hydrophobic Environment

94 Rotamers

f = -28.4 kcal/mol

Buried Core Protein


Solvent Exposed Environment

Fittest Individuals - Solvent Exposed Environment


177 Rotamers

f = -40.6 kcal/mol

Homohelix Study

-40.6 kcal/mol

-28.4 kcal/mol

-42.3 kcal/mol

-28.1 kcal/mol

-28.0 kcal/mol

-27.9 kcal/mol



Selection probabilities show consistent convergence towards a subset of chemical space

Selection Probabilities


Can use this subset to focus GA exploration on more interesting regions

55 Rotamer subset of residues: TRP, GLU, ASP, HIP, ARG

New fitness: -42.4 kcal/mol

Subspace Search



J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 13, pp 4517–4521

Mutant protein solvent and pH tolerant


Thermostability greatly increased compared to wild-type

B1 Domain Protein G


1. Searching Chemical Space

2. Improving Chemical Accuracy, for Less

Genetic Optimisation of Training Sets for Improved Machine Learning Models of Molecular Properties

Nicholas J. Browning, Raghu Ramakrishnan, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Ursula Roethlisberger, JPCL, 2017

  • Introduction
  • Motivation
  • GAML
  • ML-MTS


  • Can the error be improved by intelligent sampling - is less more?

  • Are there systematic trends in “optimal” training sets?

Chemical Interpolation


Chemical Database

8 heavy-atom subset of the QM-9 database [2]

10 thermochemical and electronic properties computed with DFT/B3LYP

2. Sci. Data, 2014, 1.

Out-of-sample test error used as fitness metric

Complex optimisation problem:

Database QM-8

Kernel Ridge Regression

101449\approx 10^{1449}
\approx 10^{1449}

C(10900, 1000)


Significant reduction in out-of-sample errors


Fewer training molecules required to reach given accuracy

random sampling

GA optimised

Learning Curves - Enthalpy of Atomisation


Direct Learning

Delta Learning

Systematic Trends - Moments of Inertia


Certain molecules are more representative

Systematic shifts in distance, property, and shape distributions

Systematic Trends - Property Distributions


Certain molecules are more representative

Systematic shifts in distance, property, and shape distributions

Motivating Remarks

1. Searching Chemical Space

2. Improving Chemical Accuracy, for Less


Machine Learning Enhanced Multiple Time Step Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics

Nicholas J. Browning, Pablo Baudin, Elisa Liberatore, Ursula Roethlisberger

  • Introduction
  • Motivation
  • GAML
  • ML-MTS


Molecular Dynamics

Provides a 'window' into the microscopic motion of atoms in a system

FA=AE0({R,r})F_A = -\nabla_A E_0(\{R, r\})
F_A = -\nabla_A E_0(\{R, r\})

Forces acting on (classical) nuclei calculated from a potential energy surface


Key Issues

  • the accuracy of the potential energy surface : ML
  • timestep used to integrate atomic forces : MTS 

Multiple Time Step Integrators

Address the time step issue by observing that the forces acting on a system have different timescales





Separate "fast" and "slow" components of the total force, which can be integrated using smaller and larger timesteps





Slow forces typically expensive to compute therefore MTS yields a computational gain


MTS Algorithm

γ=(q1,q2,,qN,p1,p2,,pN)\gamma = (q_1, q_2, \dots, q_N, p_1, p_2, \dots, p_N)
\gamma = (q_1, q_2, \dots, q_N, p_1, p_2, \dots, p_N)
iL=iLfast+iLslowiL = iL_\text{fast} + iL_\text{slow}
iL = iL_\text{fast} + iL_\text{slow}
a(γt)=eiLta(γ0)a(\gamma_t) = e^{iLt}a(\gamma_0)
a(\gamma_t) = e^{iLt}a(\gamma_0)
eiLΔteiLslowΔt2×eiLfastΔt(Δt)×eiLslowΔt2e^{iL\Delta t} \approx e^{iL_{slow} \frac{\Delta t}{2}} \times e^{iL_\text{fast}\Delta t} (\Delta t) \times e^{iL_{slow} \frac{\Delta t}{2}}
e^{iL\Delta t} \approx e^{iL_{slow} \frac{\Delta t}{2}} \times e^{iL_\text{fast}\Delta t} (\Delta t) \times e^{iL_{slow} \frac{\Delta t}{2}}
eiLΔteiLslow(Δt/2)[eiLfast(Δt/n)]neiLslow(Δt/2)e^{iL\Delta t} \approx e^{iL^\text{slow} (\Delta t/2)} \Big[ e^{iL^\text{fast} (\Delta t/n)} \Big]^n e^{iL^\text{slow} (\Delta t/2)}
e^{iL\Delta t} \approx e^{iL^\text{slow} (\Delta t/2)} \Big[ e^{iL^\text{fast} (\Delta t/n)} \Big]^n e^{iL^\text{slow} (\Delta t/2)}

Propagatation of phase space vector

Separate slow and fast components

phase space vector

Discrete time propagator obtained from Trotter factorisation

# initialise x, p
dt = 0.36
Dt = dt*n
Fslow = compute_slow_forces(x)
Ffast = compute_fast_forces(x)

for t in range(0, total_time, Dt): 
  p = p + 0.5*Dt*Fslow # Integrate slow components

  for i in range(1, n):  # Integrate fast components
    p = p + 0.5*dt*Ffast 
    x = x + dt * p/m
    Ffast = compute_fast_forces(x)
    p = p + 0.5*dt*Ffast

  Fslow = compute_slow_forces(x)
  p = p + 0.5*Dt*Fslow # Integrate slow components


δt\delta t
\delta t

Ab Initio MTS


Machine Learning Potentials

Replace expensive electronic structure method with data-driven kernel model


Delta-learning model naturally results in an MTS scheme

Ffast=FlowF^\text{fast} = F^\text{low}
F^\text{fast} = F^\text{low}
Fslow=ΔFMLF^\text{slow} = \Delta F^\text{ML}
F^\text{slow} = \Delta F^\text{ML}
Ffast=Flow+ΔFMLF^\text{fast} = F^\text{low} + \Delta F^\text{ML}
F^\text{fast} = F^\text{low} + \Delta F^\text{ML}
Fslow=FhighFfastF^\text{slow} = F^\text{high} - F^\text{fast}
F^\text{slow} = F^\text{high} - F^\text{fast}

Scheme I ML-MTS

Scheme II ML-MTS

ΔFML=FhighFlow\Delta F^\text{ML} = F^\text{high} - F^\text{low}
\Delta F^\text{ML} = F^\text{high} - F^\text{low}

Exact slow forces

Cost of high level, evaluated infrequently

Approximate slow forces

Cost of low level


ΔEML(MI)=Ehigh(MI)Elow(MI)=IJk(MI,MJ)αJ\Delta E^\text{ML}(M_I) = E^\text{high}(M_I) - E^\text{low}(M_I) = \sum_I\sum_J k(M_I, M_J) \alpha_J
\Delta E^\text{ML}(M_I) = E^\text{high}(M_I) - E^\text{low}(M_I) = \sum_I\sum_J k(M_I, M_J) \alpha_J
ΔFLML(MI)=ΔEMLRL(MI)=IJk(MI,MJ)MIMIRLαJ\Delta F_L^\text{ML}(M_I) = -\frac{\partial \Delta E^\text{ML}}{\partial R_L}(M_I) = -\sum_I\sum_J \frac{\partial k(M_I, M_J)}{\partial M_I} \frac{\partial M_I}{\partial R_L} \alpha_J
\Delta F_L^\text{ML}(M_I) = -\frac{\partial \Delta E^\text{ML}}{\partial R_L}(M_I) = -\sum_I\sum_J \frac{\partial k(M_I, M_J)}{\partial M_I} \frac{\partial M_I}{\partial R_L} \alpha_J

Use a computationally efficient kernel method [3]:

  • Generalisable
  • No 2nd derivatives required, only kernel and descriptor gradients


  • Atomic environments: Atomic Spectrum of London-Axilrod-Teller-Muto representation (aSLATM) [4]

MPI-ML code implemented into CPMD

Machine Learning Potentials

3. Chem. Phys., 2019, 150, 064105

4. ArXiv, 2017,


Training Data

Trajectories of small isolated N-water molecule clusters

Fast components = LDA
Slow components = PBE0 -  LDA

Predictions made on liquid water


Results - Errors


Results - Errors

Significant improvement upon LDA - forces almost identical to PBE0


Results - Time Step and Speedup

Significant increase in outer timestep wrt. standard MTS


Resonance effects limit maximum outer timestep


Encouraging increase in overall speedup

Speedup dictated by number of SCF cycles to converge wfn

ϵ=1NiEiEˉEˉ\epsilon = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i \frac{E_i - \bar{E}}{\bar E}
\epsilon = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i \frac{E_i - \bar{E}}{\bar E}


Results - Properties

MTS (n=4dt) identified as yielding properties with excellent agreement wrt. VV-PBE0 in previous work [5]





Both scheme I and II ML-MTS result in significantly improved radial distributions

5. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2018, 14, 6, pp 2834–2842


1. Searching Chemical Space


  • EVOLVE is capable of searching through inordinately large chemical spaces
  • Meaningful chemical space insights can be gained from the EVOLVE procedure
  • Potential for experimental reach


2. Improving Chemical Accuracy, for Less

  • Within a specified chemical space, the accuracy of ML models can be significantly improved with intelligent sampling
  • kernel methods can provide a significant increase in timestep used in MTS integrators
    • Maintain good accuracy
    • Significantly reduce computational cost

Acknowledgements and Thanks

Dr. Raghu Ramakrishnan

Dr. Esra Bozkurt

Dr. Marta A. S. Perez

Dr. Pablo Baudin

Dr. Elisa Liberatore

Prof. Ursula Roethlisberger


Prof. O. Anatole von Lilienfeld

Prof. Clemence Corminboeuf

 Dr. Albert Bartók-Pártay

Dr. Ruud Hovius

Acknowledgements and Thanks


Thermostability Measure

f=ΔEsystemmutantΔEsystemref=EsystemmutantEsystemref+iN(Eaaref(i)Eaamutant(i))f = \Delta E^\text{mutant}_{\text{system}} - \Delta E^{\text{ref}}_\text{system} = E^\text{mutant}_\text{system} - E^\text{ref}_\text{system} + \sum_i^N (E^{\text{ref}}_\text{aa}(i) - E^{\text{mutant}}_\text{aa}(i))
f = \Delta E^\text{mutant}_{\text{system}} - \Delta E^{\text{ref}}_\text{system} = E^\text{mutant}_\text{system} - E^\text{ref}_\text{system} + \sum_i^N (E^{\text{ref}}_\text{aa}(i) - E^{\text{mutant}}_\text{aa}(i))
Esystem=EsystemFF99SB+ΔGOBCGBE_\text{system} = E^{FF99SB}_\text{system} + \Delta G^{GB}_{OBC}
E_\text{system} = E^{FF99SB}_\text{system} + \Delta G^{GB}_{OBC}

Backbone stability measure

M. A. S. Perez, E. Bozkurt, N. J. Browning U. Roethlisberger, in preparation


Thermostability Measure


Manual Mutations

ϵ=80\epsilon = 80
\epsilon = 80

D03-E05 -> R*-E05... =  -30.1 kcal/mol

-40.6 kcal/mol

-28.4 kcal/mol

-42.3 kcal/mol

D03-E05 -> E*-E05... =  -39.2 kcal/mol

ϵ=10\epsilon = 10
\epsilon = 10

W04-W04-W04-W04-F04-Q05-W04 -> {8 x W*} =  -28.2 kcal/mol




Amino Acids


GA-ML Small Optimal Training Sets


GA-ML Distance Distributions


MI(2)(r)=12JIZIZJ1σr2πr6erRIJ22σr2\boldsymbol{M}_I^{(2)}(r) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{J\ne I} Z_IZ_J \frac{1}{\sigma_r \sqrt{2\pi} r^6} e^{-\frac{\left \lVert r - R_{IJ} \right \rVert ^2}{2\sigma_r^2}}
\boldsymbol{M}_I^{(2)}(r) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{J\ne I} Z_IZ_J \frac{1}{\sigma_r \sqrt{2\pi} r^6} e^{-\frac{\left \lVert r - R_{IJ} \right \rVert ^2}{2\sigma_r^2}}
MI(3)(θ)=13IJKZIZJZK1σθ2πe(θθIJK)22σθ21+cosθcosθJKIcosθKIJ(RIJRIKRKJ)3\boldsymbol{M}_I^{(3)}(\theta)= \frac{1}{3}\sum_{I \ne J \ne K} Z_I Z_J Z_K \frac{1}{\sigma_\theta \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{\left ( \theta - \theta_{IJK} \right )^2}{2\sigma_\theta^2}} \frac{1 + \cos\theta \cos\theta_{JKI}\cos\theta_{KIJ}}{\left (R_{IJ} R_{IK} R_{KJ}\right)^3}
\boldsymbol{M}_I^{(3)}(\theta)= \frac{1}{3}\sum_{I \ne J \ne K} Z_I Z_J Z_K \frac{1}{\sigma_\theta \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{\left ( \theta - \theta_{IJK} \right )^2}{2\sigma_\theta^2}} \frac{1 + \cos\theta \cos\theta_{JKI}\cos\theta_{KIJ}}{\left (R_{IJ} R_{IK} R_{KJ}\right)^3}
MI={MI(1),MI(2),MI(3)}\boldsymbol{M}_I = \left \{ \boldsymbol{M}^{(1)}_I, \boldsymbol{M}^{(2)}_I, \boldsymbol{M}^{(3)}_I\right \}
\boldsymbol{M}_I = \left \{ \boldsymbol{M}^{(1)}_I, \boldsymbol{M}^{(2)}_I, \boldsymbol{M}^{(3)}_I\right \}

SLATM Parameters


Rc=4.8AR_c = 4.8 A
R_c = 4.8 A
θmin=0.35 rad\theta_\text{min} = -0.35 \ \text{rad}
\theta_\text{min} = -0.35 \ \text{rad}
θmax=3.5 rad\theta_\text{max} = 3.5 \ \text{rad}
\theta_\text{max} = 3.5 \ \text{rad}
grid resolution=0.1A\text{grid resolution}= 0.1A
\text{grid resolution}= 0.1A
angular grid resolution=0.1 rad\text{angular grid resolution}= 0.1 \ \text{rad}
\text{angular grid resolution}= 0.1 \ \text{rad}

Two-body term:

Three-body term:

σr=0.05\sigma_r = 0.05
\sigma_r = 0.05
σθ=0.05\sigma_{\theta} = 0.05
\sigma_{\theta} = 0.05



Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Computational Chemistry

By Nick Browning

Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Computational Chemistry

  • 682