Why we use the client-side Framework

學習 Angular 的心路歷程 🥲





A brief history of Front-end

1990 s'

2000 s'

2010 s'

World Wide Web(WWW)

Web 2.0 + Ajax





The Benefits of Frameworks

Better Efficiency


Before Framework

前端框架會幫我們處理 DOM 事件 以及 瀏覽器的渲染機制

瀏覽器 Reflow & Repaint

頻繁更動就會頻繁 Rerender

Like React Virtual DOM & Life Cycle

Better Developer Experiences

With Framework, you can do ... 

  1. Writing Components
  2. State Management
  3. MVC, MVVM Structure
  4. Design Pattern

Maintenance & Readability

Tools & Ecosystem




The Main Features in Framework

DSL ( Domain-Specific Language )


使用框架必須搭配相應的 DSL 來開發

Just like JSX in React

Writing Components

Reusable and independent UI packages
( view, view composed )

React - writing in JSX

Angular & Vue - writingin Template Syntax

儘管語法不同,但 Components 都會有:

  1. 跨層溝通的方式 ( External Props )
  2. 可管理的內部狀態 ( Internal States )
  3. 使用者事件 ( Listen to browser events )

State Management

Component Level State

Global State

Like useState in React

React - Redux、Vue - Vuex、Angular - Rx

Data 傳進 Component 後會作為 State 被管理、使用

全域的狀態,可在專案中任何地方被取用 和 改變

管理 資料 和 使用者操作事件 的互動流程

Share State across components

Component 本身的狀態

Life Cycle

Components 在瀏覽器上
Mounting → Updating → Unmounting 的流程


當 component 將要從DOM被移除的時候

當 component 的 instance 被建立,並顯示在DOM上

Life Cycle

Echo: 框架會幫我們處理 DOM 事件 以及 瀏覽器的渲染機制

LifeCycle 就是框架處理的方式

主要差異:觸發 re-render 的方式

  • 這關乎於 框架如何去對應互動事件和狀態的改變
  • 針對框架的效能優化也主要在處理 re-render 機制

Routing ( Client-Side Routing )


只載入一個 HTML Shell,之後都是在更新它的 DOM(不會導新網址)


Single Page Application (SPA)

Choosing Your Framework

Summarize First

Benefits of Framework:

  1. Better Efficiency
  2. Better Developer Experiences
  3. Tooling & Ecosystem

Summarize First

Main Features in Framework

  1. DSL
  2. Component Based
  3. State Management
  4. LifeCycle
  5. Routing
  1. Browser Support & Performance 
  2. Friendly Syntax
  3. Component Dependencies
  4. LifeCycle ( Render Mechanism)
  5. Community & Ecosystem

Things to consider

But, it's not about choosing the only one.
It's about solving problems.

The Mindset of learning Frameworks

  1. Know Vanilla JS well
  2. Know the above concepts of using a framework

Learning another Framework

is just familiarizing syntax.

Do the same thing in a different way
with different syntax and different build process.

What alternatives do we have?

  1. SSR ( Next, Nuxt, Angular Universal )
  2. Static Site Generator ( Gatsby, Eleventy, ... )

Thanks for listening.
Next: From React to Angular


Why we use the client-side framework

By parkerhiphop

Why we use the client-side framework

  • 434