Experience Design 

...a discussion-style presentation

My Most Recent Multi-device Project

CMPT 363 Course Companion 2.0 (prototype shown)

Discussion Questions for Today... 

  1. What does Mobile First mean heading into 2014?
  2. How has RWD changed your design process?
  3. How can traditional user stories be altered to help brainstorm multi-device scenarios?
  4. What might a set of design principles for multi-device design contain? (as compared with a set of mobile design principles)
  5. How can we better support device switching mid-task?
  6. Has the time come to always assume touch interaction?
  7. How could physical interactions with devices be made more adaptive/responsive, along with content and layout?
  8. What would a one-page set of touch interaction guidelines for a broad audience look like?

    Mobile First

    • Mobile First, as defined by Luke Wroblewski in 2009
      • Adoption (larger audience for mobile)
      • Focus (content and functionality constraints)
      • Technologies (touch, geolocation, etc.)
    • what does Mobile First mean to you heading into 2014?

      Mobile First, To Me

      • When  the element of mobility is a core value proposition
      • Even given that, I prefer the battle cry of Experience First  
        (HT @kevinmpowell ) these days... why?
        • Mobile usage (i.e. “on the go”) is context guessing at best
        • No longer a singular mobile device, but a family of devices
        • Since mobile to me is device independent – I define it as  “being close at hand” or “being available
        • People deserve content/function parity everywhere
        • The best experience should always be leveraged, not constrained, by device attributes

      My RWD Design Process

      • Discover (always lots to learn...)
      • List and Prioritize the content (nothing fancy)
      • Development
        • Sketch (content placeholders, mostly for breakpoints)
        • Wireframe (a teeny bit really, sometimes none)
        • Visual Design (rough layout colour comps, maybe)
        • Prototype (a whole lot, and then some more!)
        • Test (rinse and repeat as needed)
      • Deliver 
      • and you?

        User Story Structure

        Traditional User Story Structure:
          As a ,
          I want to
          so that

          User Story Structure

          Multi-device User Story Structure (only for brainstorming):
            As a
            when/while ,
            I want to
            so that

            Multi-device Experience Principles

            • Be conceptually and visually consistent
            • Strive for content and functionality parity
            • Support seamless task transferability
            • Think ecosystem, not just multiple isolated devices
              (e.g. separate “second-screen”)
            • Optimize physical interactions based on device capabilities
            • your changes/additions?


            Mobile Design Principles

            • Consider intent alongside context of use (including location, situation, people, and other devices)
            • Being mobile is really about being available
            • Keep key tasks simple and quick
            • Choose content over navigation
            • Follow relevant platform conventions
            • Leverage available sensors
            • Make it delightful, not just satisfying
            • Minimize, and delay if possible, required alphanumeric input
            • Consider all data connection states
            • your changes/additions?

            Support of Mid-Task Device Switching

            Tab Syncing, with Chrome Android and Desktop

            Assuming Touch Interaction
            (Even On Desktop-Only Websites)

            • Support for (more and more) laptops/desktops with touch
            • A step towards supporting multi-device access, without RWD
            •  Are you assuming touch interaction for all of your websites/apps?

            Physical Device Interactions

            What might more adaptive physical device interactions
            look like? 

            Essential Touch Interaction
            Design Guidelines

            • Touch Target Size
            • Placement of Controls
            • Behavior (i.e. no hovers)
            • User Effort
            • Gestures (i.e. standard and non-standard)
            • your changes/additions?


            Thank You! Any Last Comments?

              Multi-Device Experience Design: Questions for Discussion

              By Paul Hibbitts

              Multi-Device Experience Design: Questions for Discussion

              • 5,747