Tic Tac Talk!
Learning to Talk?
I mean seriously!
Who all are here to learn to "Talk"?
Talking the talk!
Even Kids know it how to Talk!
Talk != Having a Conversation
Where do we need to give one?
- Colleges
- Job
- Meetups, like this one
- Conference (talk about dreams :D)
Why should you care?
- To share your knowledge with others
- To improve your public speaking
- To be keynote speaker at a conference
Need a Layout?
Wait for it!
- Introduction about the talk and yourself
- Prelogue to your talk, giving brief to your talk
- IceBreaking through jokes, posters, puns, props or memes.
- Elaborate or list the topics to be discussed
- Dive deeper into your talk, generally through What, Why, and how!
- Interact with your audience during your talk
- Conclusion at the end, with headings like, "What After!"
- Feedback at the end
So what now?
Stand up and Give a lightning session after this talk!
And yes, start with the temptation!
Still stressed?
- Relax and Be confident!
- Be Dynamic and ready to change
- Be concise and elaborate at the same time
- Have cool, but simple slides
- Get your facts right
- Present the topic right way!
- Feedback at the end is very important
Rules of life!
- Be Dynamic Speaker
- Devil's in the detail
- Bullet Two
- Bullet Three
Tips and Tricks
Make an Impact!
- Take a deep breath if you feel nervous.
- Drink water in between to take a pause
- Practice if you feel very nervous
- Be on topic and don't loose your point
- Avoid long discussion during the talk
- Modify according to the audience
- Use Props if needed
- Don't feel bad about the feedbacks
- Introspect your session!
- Use Sli.do to help audience ask questions the easier way or etherpad.
What challenge?
You ask.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
- Be involved and attentive
- Ask questions
- Respect the speakers and their feelings
- Don't try to show off or roast the speaker
Thank you!
And this concludes our "Meta Talk", Talk about talk
Tic Tac Talk!
Tic Tac Talk!`
By Mohit Bansal
Tic Tac Talk!`
A meta talk on the importance of presenting talks at meetup and the secrets of a good and complete talk.
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