Philo van Kemenade
Creating tools, stories and things in between to amplify human connection with arts and culture.
reFramed - The Great Storyscape
26 September 2013
Philo van Kemenade
A way of enabling an experience
using the capability of the web
as a mechanism for narration
from the start of the authoring process
Lascaux cave paintings some rights reserved by Adibu456
Hyper |
Media |
Text |
Film |
Video |
Let me introduce the word “hypertext” to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper.
Films, sound recordings, and video recordings are also linear strings, basically for mechanical reasons. But these, too, can now be arranged as non-linear systems—for instance, lattices—for editing purposes, or for display with different emphasis. [...] The hyperfilm—a browsable or vari-sequenced movie—is only one of the possible hypermedia that require our attention.
Bjarke Myrthu from Storyplanet | 19 Sep 2013 |
@phivk I think I'm doing something then but will see. Looks great. Any reason for popcorn over zeega/storyplanet/klynt?
@monstris popcorn.js = technology enabling creation of interfaces, zeega/sp/klynt = authoring tools for particular predesigned interfaces
@phivk thanks for clearing that up. what filmmakers are most interested in - i think - are things that work. the techy stuff we leave to u!
It’s all about the platform
We haven’t fully embraced the opportunities yet, have we? I certainly have not, and I’m doing it for a living! Maybe it’s because we have been telling stories in a linear fashion for so long and need to be reminded that a deeper focus on interactivity can make our storytelling natural again. Or, maybe it’s because the right technological platform for interactive storytelling just hasn’t been fully developed yet?
If you ask me it’s a combination of the two, and one of the things I tell myself every day is that it’s all about the platform. When the right platform is there and starts penetrating the market we just can’t help telling interactive stories all the time. They come to us naturally. But we need the platform. It’s the new campfire in the world…
these slides:
By Philo van Kemenade
Reframing storytelling of the web
Creating tools, stories and things in between to amplify human connection with arts and culture.