Stories that move

Philo van Kemenade

IFS Cologne | Nov 2024

Interactive web & mobile narratives

Storytellers United

CLEVER°FRANKE is a world leading strategic data design and technology consultancy that delivers data driven digital transformation through crafting innovative user and customer experiences.

this seminar

🌬️ The power of stories


🔗 A dynamic medium


🎨 Web making


📝 Story crafting


👬 Mini projects in pairs


🎤 Concept pitches

The power of stories

Stories help us understand


each other

the world around us

Stories move


through space

and time


we have always been

our tools

shape our expression

the web

as meta medium

movies on the web

of the web





what language do we speak here?




Story Jam

graphic design

web development

script writing




15 locations
20+ events

400+ participants
50+ prototypes

A dynamic medium



the capacity to change

content, style, layout, ...

responding to user input

click, scroll, swipe, tilt, turn on, pick up, walk, resize, log in, ...

Let me introduce the word “hypertext” to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper.

Films, sound recordings, and video recordings are also linear strings, basically for mechanical reasons. But these, too, can now be arranged as non-linear systems [...] for editing purposes, or for display with different emphasis. [...]
The hyperfilm—a browsable or vari-sequenced movie—is only one of the possible hypermedia that require our attention.

Enabling an experience
using the capability of the web
as a mechanism for narration
from the start of the authoring process


Web-native storytelling

All stories [...] are changes over time, so if you pay attention to what changes, you’ll find the point of the story. This also implies that if we are looking for ways to use narrative in our work as a design material, all we need to do is ask where the time passes to find the story’s proper place.”

– Frank Chimero
The Shape of Design (2012)

web-native storytelling examples

Share an inspiring web/mobile storytelling project.


What changes over time?


What drives this change?

exercise in pairs


if filmmaking is like sculpting...

... webmaking is more like LEGO

Some words about code

Interface between




Some words about code

  • 🌳 a skill continuum

  • ❌ no magic

  • 💭 naming matters

  • 🤖 this space...

3 Web ingredients





What's on the page?





How does it look?

Javascript 'does' things, like interactivity or fetching data, calculations, updating 'state'


How does it work?


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello World</title>
    <h1>Hello IFS Cologne 👋</h1>
    <p>Welcome to this very simple web page.</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello World</title>
      p {
        color: red;
    <h1>Hello IFS Cologne 👋</h1>
    <p>Welcome to this very simple web page.</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello World</title>
      function sayHello() {
        alert("hello world!");
      p {
        color: red;
    <h1>Hello IFS Cologne 👋</h1>
    <p>Welcome to this very simple web page.</p>
    <button onclick="sayHello()">Say Hello</button>

✍️ designing in the browser

Web of pages ➡️ web of applications & data


Interaction requires 'state'


User Interfaces are made out of components

The modern web

Copy the HTML + CSS + JS example from the previous slide


Paste it in your favourite text editor
(e.g. download Sublime Text at


Save as index.html


Open the HTML file in your favourite browser


Bonus: remix by adding elements, styles and functionality
(Cheating encouraged!)


Story crafting

Start with

Why does this story need to be heard?

Why would your audience care?


2 Tips to find your story

Start with a question you don’t know the answer to

Find the unusual experts

Get to know your audience

What are their goals?

What are their frustrations?

this can form the basis of a "persona"

individually (1 min):
2 questions you don't know the answer to


in pairs (2 min each):
share your questions and see what resonates


role play (3 min each):
interview one unlikely expert (can be an audience member)

keep notes


Keep it simple and silly 😉


Frameworks, formats & metaphors

There are two successful outcomes when a design focuses on its audience: resonance and engagement. Stories speak to the first and frameworks to the latter.


Frameworks are the structures that allow for contributions to be made to the products of design, and increasingly, it has become the work of the designer to create these frameworks.

– Frank Chimero
The Shape of Design (2012)

Metaphors are assistive devices for understanding.


You give a user something to grasp onto when you make a metaphor solid. In the case of software on a screen, the metaphors visually explain the functions of an interface, and provide a bridge from a familiar place to a less known area by suggesting a tool’s function and its relationship to others.

– Frank Chimero
What screens want (2013)

This is the secret power at the heart of all formats - formats are a form of storytelling that you do more than once.

Formats help audiences make the decision to give you their attention.

Formats help your production workflow

Des Traynor

start with a cupcake

in new pairs:
share your interview notes


note & vote


brainstorm a framework or format for your story


paper prototype cupcake & 2 min pitch


Concept pitch

Thank You!

Stories that Move

By Philo van Kemenade

Stories that Move

One day seminar at IFS Cologne on interactive web and mobile narratives

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