Intro to Photogrammetry

June 2019


Philo van Kemenade


Why 3D scanning?


the science of making measurements from photographs


reconstructs 3D points and shapes
based on shared features amongst a set of images

how to scan


When scanning a free-standing object, encircle it, then focus on more complex details.

  • Fixed zoom level
  • Fixed white balance
  • Your object fills the camera view
  • Full object in focus
  • Use HDR if your object is unevenly lit

make sure

things that don't work well

transparent things

reflective things

complex shapes with thin extensions


2 objects smaller than a laptop

2 objects bigger than a laptop

Shared notepad

includes all the links!

Intro to Photogrammetry

By Philo van Kemenade

Intro to Photogrammetry

An introduction to photogrammetry at the National Film & Television School

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