Text Editors &
Authoring Tools

Storytelling on a writable web

Devise to Deliver 3 | #D2D3

17 February 2014

Philo van Kemenade @phivk

 This Talk 

 A working definition 



 Writable Web 

 Web-Native storytelling 

A way of enabling an experience
using the capability of the web
as a mechanism for narration
from the start of the authoring process

 Stories on the web 

 Stories Of THE WEB 

 Ben Moskowitz - A Well of Untapped Creative Possibility 

 we have always been storytellers 

 Lascaux cave paintings  by Adibu456 

 Our tools determine  

 how we  

 express ourselves 







 the Complex    

 the Changing    

 the Indeterminate 

Let me introduce the word “hypertext” to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper.

 Hyper Film 

Films, sound recordings, and video recordings are also linear strings, basically for mechanical reasons. But these, too, can now be arranged as non-linear systems—for instance, lattices—for editing purposes, or for display with different emphasis. [...] The hyperfilm—a browsable or vari-sequenced movie—is only one of the possible hypermedia that require our attention.



Alma - A Tale of Violence Web doc


Planet Take Out - Mapping Local Chinese Takeouts


Do Not Touch - Crowd-sourced music video

 Dynamic - I Dare You 


Kat Cizek - 1 Millionth Tower



The Cosmonaut - Open source film

 A writable web 

 Text Editors 

 Writing Code 

Hammurabi Code Photo  by Gabriele B






 Building Blocks 

Venus de Milo  by dm_meister

 Libraries & Frameworks 


 Building a community 

 of web-native storytellers 




 Ultrasound Prototype 

 Making this work 

  1. I think I'm doing something then but will see. Looks great. Any reason for popcorn over zeega/storyplanet/klynt?

  2. popcorn.js = technology enabling creation of interfaces, zeega/sp/klynt = authoring tools for particular predesigned interfaces

  3. thanks for clearing that up. what filmmakers are most interested in - i think - are things that work. the techy stuff we leave to u!

 Authoring Tools 


Hi, there

As you might have noticed is currently down. The reason is that our servers and code have been taken hostage by two freelance developers who worked for us in the past. They claim we owe them quite a significant amount of money, and they wont reinstate unless we pay them. Unfortunately this is not an option, since we don’t respond to threats, and we wont pay for stuff that was never delivered.

I am extremely sorry for how this is affecting all of you out there who are taking part in our closed beta and supporting our idea.

We are currently working on what to do, and as a minimum get all the stories back up and running. However, there is no constructive dialogue with these people who are keeping our code hostage, so we can’t say when this crazy situation will be resolved.

Thanks for your understanding.
Bjarke Myrthu, Storyplanet founder & CEO

 Bjarke Myrthu from Storyplanet 19 Sep 2013

 Ultrasound Prototype 


 these slides:

  GIF backgrounds by 

Web-Native Authoring between Text Editors and Authoring Tools

By Philo van Kemenade

Web-Native Authoring between Text Editors and Authoring Tools

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