service entirely made thanks to nocode

Tools I use

It's a browser of online courses, memebership groups and paid newsletters. (works in Poland)

This is like a smaller imdb for the online education industry

Why was it created?
Online courses are ... a lot and unfortunately not all of them are of good quality

After the comments and course evaluation, you will know if the course is worth your money.
"I'm interested in marketing, but I only know of 3 proven courses on the subject. Well, what about the other 20 courses? Maybe any of them are better?"
We usually buy courses from people we trust, but maybe there's someone else better at this?
Main features
-viewing the course database,
-filtering, real-time search
-adding courses to watch (you get notifications during sales windows)
-adding a category to the observed (notifications when there is a new course in a given category)
-a possibility of evaluation and commenting of the course (on the basis of it there will be a ranking for each category)

What tools did I use?
Webflow - visual and CMS
Airtable - main database, managment system of everything
Integromat - most automations
Memberstack - user account creation, management, content hiding
JetBoost - filtering, sorting, evaluating courses
narzędzia od finsweet - real time search, load more button
Parabola/nobull - synchronize data between webflow -> airtable and vice versa
Vuukle - comment system
Optily - image optimization
What does this look like in practice?
It all starts with filling out the form to add a course
The course goes to airtable (this is where all the data is), I can edit the fields, add missing information and approve or reject the request
What does this look like in practice?
... and much, much more records
What does this look like in practice?
When a course hits 'Accepted' it is automatically uploaded and published to the site, I don't have to log into webflow.
From airtable I can highlight courses on the site, delete courses, start promoting courses on social media, manage users, send emails, add new categories.

User dashboard
From the dashboard you can see:
- number of responses,
- watched courses, watched categories,
- add material from other courses (soon)
- mark your progress (soon)

Ideas for further development
- connection of google analytics and course highlighting based on number of impressions,
- possibility to add documents, checklists to user's dashboard,
- full-fledged ranking and sorting based on ratings,
- Possibility of comparing courses,
- adding memeberships and newsletters,
- setting up mailings,
...and much more

It may not be an advanced application, but it was all done without a single line of code
...and the monthly cost of maintaining the service in its basic version is approx.
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EN Case study: Cursello
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EN Case study: Cursello
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