Granular Blockchain

About Me

Marten (Wiebe-Marten Wijnja)


  • ~12 years of software development
  • ~6 years of blockchains
  • ~1.5 years of Resilia

Online: Qqwy


  • Rationale
  • Four major concepts
    • short intro of 1 concept
    • ~10-15 minutes of peer (to peer) discussion
  • Closing Thoughts
  • Non-Technical
    • Not how it works
    • but: what it does
  • Properties: Good, Bad, Unimportant?
  • Ask Questions!


Recap: What is a Blockchain?

A Blockchain is a software system in which:

  • All data is immutable
  • Anyone can join and add data
  • All members agree about the order of the data

Both large potential and large drawbacks!

  • No Training Wheels
    • 'Forgot Password'
  • Storing data is slow
  • Can only store small bits of data at a time

Large potential, but large drawbacks:

Difficult to adapt current way of thinking


Ease into it

Granular Blockchain


  • Making a unique colour or fingerprint based on your data chunk


  • Small
  • Reproducible
  • Impossible to reverse

Example uses

  • Password checking
  • Integrity of files
  • Making computers faster
  • Authenticity (Plagiarism protection)



  • Small
  • Reproducible
  • Impossible to reverse

Example uses

  • Password checking
  • Integrity of files
  • Making computers faster
  • Authenticity (Plagiarism protection)



Asymmetric Cryptography

Asymmetric Cryptography

  • Encryption key separated from Decryption Key
    • Public encryption key
    • Private decryption key






  • Private key can also be used to make signatures


  • Send/receive encrypted messages


  • data authenticity
  • non-repudiation               ('I did not write that' is impossible)

Example uses

  • PGP (Secure Email)
  • WhatsApp etc.
  • Storing private data in public places

Asymmetric Cryptography


  • Send/receive encrypted messages


  • data authenticity
  • non-repudiation               ('I did not write that' is impossible)

Example uses

  • PGP (Secure Email)
  • WhatsApp etc.

Asymmetric Cryptography


Event Sourcing

  • Store list of changes in system
    • Audit Trail/Ledger
  • Calculate 'current state' whenever desired


  • History is kept
  • Author of change known
  • Reprocess/analyze as much as you like


Example uses

  • Banking systems
  • Other administrative systems
  • Sensor data
  • 'event-driven' architectures

Event Sourcing


  • History is kept
  • Author of change known
  • Reprocess/analyze as much as you like


Example uses

  • Banking systems
  • Other administrative systems
  • Sensor data
  • 'event-driven' architectures

Event Sourcing



  • Distributed (and maybe decentralized) system
  • Multiple parties in agreement about 'state'
  • Potentially unreliable network
  • Potentially some unreliable parties

A Blockchain is a software system in which:

  • All data is immutable
  • Anyone can join and add data
  • All members agree about the order of the data


Definition of a Public Blockchain:

Consensus: Proof-of-Work and variants

  • Slow
  • Expensive (electricity)
  • Small amounts of data

A Blockchain is a software system in which:

  • All data is immutable
  • Anyone can join and add data
  • All members agree about the order of the data

Consensus: (Delegated) Proof-of-Stake

  • Relatively Slow
  • Very difficult to implement in a fair way
  • Small amounts of data

A Consortium/Private Blockchain is a software system in which:

  • All data is immutable
  • Anyone can join and add data
  • All members agree about the order of the data

Consensus: 'Classical' Paxos, Raft, etc.

  • Fast
  • in use for 30+ years
  • Small-ish amounts of data

a Decentralized Datastore is a software system in which:

  • All data is immutable
  • Anyone can join and add data
  • All members agree about the order of the data

Consensus: Not needed, because no ordering

(Data integrity is checked by hashing)

  • Super fast!
  • HUGE amounts of data


Name Properties Examples
Public Blockchains • Small amounts of data
• Anyone can read/write
• Ordered
• Updates impossible
• Slow
Bitcoin, Ethereum
Consortium/Private  Blockchains • Medium amounts of data
• Consortium/you decide(s) who can read
• Consortium/only you can write
• Ordered
• Updates possible
• Fast
Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, MultiChain
Decentralized Datastores
• Large amounts of data
• Anyone can read/write
• Unordered
• Updates easy
• Very Fast
BitTorrent, IPFS



  • Starting to use a Blockchain is difficult
  • Four Concepts:
    • Hashing
    • Asymmetric Cryptography
    • Event Sourcing
    • Consensus
  • Easing in: It's not all-or-nothing!
    • Use the right  tool for the right job

Thank you!

Granular Blockchain (v3)

By qqwy

Granular Blockchain (v3)

A Blockchain System is not one, atomic whole. It is made up of multiple, separatable parts. In 'Granular Blockchain', Marten (Wiebe-Marten Wijnja) of Resilia will take us on a journey along the various major components of most distributed ledger systems, and we will investigate how each of these can be useful and versatile on its own. Presentation for

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