Lambda Architecure


  • Nathan Marz
  • formerly of Twitter and Backtype
  • creator of Storm, Cascalog and ElephantDB
  • detailed in Big Data book


  • fault-tolerant of hardware failures and human error
  • support multiple use cases that require low-latency queries as well as updates
  • linear scale out
  • extensible -- can accommodate new features easily


  • latency - the amount of time it takes for a request to be responded to
  • information - collection of knowledge relevant to your system
  • data - information that cannot be derived from anything else -- raw, immutable, perpetual 
  • view - information derived from the data
  • queries - questions you ask of your data
  • master data set - source of truth, cannot withstand corruption
  • semantic normalization - process of reshaping free-form information into a structural form of data
  • schema - function that takes a piece of data and determines if it is valid or not


  • atomic
  • time coded, true as-of this time code
  • uniquely identifiable
  • identifiers are used to weed out duplicate facts
  • could be a random identifier
  • could be a content-addressable identifier, SHA or MD5

CAP Theorem

  • also known as Brewer's Theorem
  • in the face of a network partition
  • a distributed system be either
  • available
  • or consistent
  • not both


  • backwards - newer code can read data generated by older code
  • forwards - older code can read data generated by newer code
  • Apache Avro is a data codec good at versioning
 "type": "record",
 "name": "User",
 "namespace": "avro.example",
 "doc": "",
 "aliases": ["Logan", "Devan"],
 "fields": [
     {"name": "nullValue", "type": "null", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": null },
     {"name": "booleanValue", "type": "boolean", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": true },
     {"name": "intValue", "type": "int", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": 10 },
     {"name": "longValue", "type": "long", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": 100 },
     {"name": "floatValue", "type": "float", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": 1.0 },
     {"name": "doubleValue", "type": "double", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": 2.0 },
     {"name": "byteValue", "type": "bytes", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": "\uFFFF" },
     {"name": "stringValue", "type": "string", "doc": "some-pointer", "default": "Zuul" }

The Idea

  • extremely simple
  • batch view = function( all data )
  • real-time view = function( real-time view, new data )
  • query = function( batch view, real-time view )
  • all the data is run through batch computations to create new views of the data
  • batch views are high latency (have to wait for the batch process to complete)
  • new incoming data is run through computations to produce views that are quickly available
  • queries are run against both views
  • information in the real-time views is replaced with information contained in the batch views
  • rinse and repeat

The Idea

Batch Layer

  • slow to compute since the functions are applied to the master data set
  • results are likely to be more accurate than those calculated in the Speed Layer
  • prefers availability over consistency
  • both full and incremental computation can be used
  • full computation will correct defects in an algorithm from a prior run

Speed Layer

  • fast to compute since the functions are applied to new, incoming data only
  • results are likely to be less accurate than those calculated in the Batch Layer
  • approximation algorithms are often used to increase the speed of the calculations
  • temporary errors will be corrected when the Batch Layer runs against the new data

Serving Layer

  • contains the views generated by the Batch Layer
  • may apply multi-view "joins" to gather the necessary information
  • prefers availability over consistency
  • the views are often "binned" by date ranges, such as year, month, week, day, hour and minute
  • the Serving Layer understands how the views are structured and knows how use combine the appropriate views to fulfill the query
  • allows for reuse of views to meet new query requirements


  • store data in a distributed file system
  • use vertical partitioning to make it easier to locate data
  • year/month/day/hour
  • one folder per day
  • 2015/12/31/23/data.avro
  • use Avro as the codec allows the format to evolve over time -- backwards compatibility


  • ingest new data
  • normalize the data
  • remove duplicates
  • create batch views
  • JCascalog is recommended for the Batch Layer due to its composability
  • Storm for the Speed Layer since it is a real-time stream processor
  • ElephantDB for the Serving Layer
  • Spark Streaming (why?)

Lambda Architecure

By Ronald Kurr

Lambda Architecure

  • 1,170