Customer Service
Call Volume History
In 2013 we answered 41,901 emails, calls, and chats*
In 2014 we answered 59,337 emails, calls, and chats - an increase of 17,436 inquiries
29% increase from 2013
In 2015 we answered 70,949 emails, calls, and chats - an increase of 11,612 inquiries
16% increase from 2014
In 2016, we answered 78,421 emails, calls, and chats - an increase of 7,472 inquiries
10% increase from 2015
*No % increase since call tracking started in Q4 2012.
Since 2013, call volume has increased 47% with no increase in staff
App Launch History
- 2016: Launched 14 apps, 22 upgrades
2015: Launched 16 apps, 15 upgrades
2014: Launched 11 apps, 17 upgrades
2013: Launched 21 apps, 22 upgrades
More apps year over year, no additional staff
Since 2013, 62 new apps have been released and 76 apps have been updated with no increase in staff
Call Experts History
Pricing - .70c min
- Fees
- 2012 (May+) $14,814.18*
- 2013 $14,688.63*
2014 $24,244.95*
2015 $21,612.82*
2016 $35,273.35
- Total # of hours spent: 131.6 hours
- Total # of calls: 10,734
- Amount spent: $35,273.35
*call data coming soon...
Top 10 Calls of 2016
Total Requests by CSR
Total number of requests (phone, chat and emails) answered by each CS member from Jan 1, 2016 to Dec 31, 2016.
Total Requests by CSR
Total number of requests (phone, chat and emails) answered by each CS member from Jan 1, 2015 to Dec 31, 2015.
Total Requests by CSR
Total number of requests (phone, chat and emails) answered by each CS member from Jan 1, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014.
Total Requests by CSR
Total number of requests (phone, chat and emails) answered by each CS member from Jan 1, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013.
Customer Happiness (Emails only)
87% Awesome
6% Just ok
7% Not good
90% Awesome
4% Just ok
6% Not good
84% Awesome
8% Just ok
7% Not good
A new hire will...
- Minimize burnout, increase job satisfaction
- Minimize risk of turnover
- Be partially offset by lowering existing call experts fees
- Allow more flexibility to include CS staff in user tests & design work earlier in projects.
- Usability testing as a deliverable
- Create new roles within team
Given a 47% increase in call volume since 2013...
62 new apps + 76 updates since 2013...
By Rosie Warfield
State of customer service at HIC entering 2017
- 2,160