Contract Renewal
eGov study
- Online survey
- In depth interviews
- Cost avoidance
- HIC site
- Portal program manager
- Reference Letters (21)
Contract Renewal - What's Next?
Next up:
- Sneak preview: http://njrv1u.axshare.com/#p=report_with_timeline
- July 28th AHC Meeting
- My role
- Downsizing of Team
- Pricing
Honorable Mentions
- WordCamp
CMS - What's Next?
- End of OIMT contract
- Split repo (38k)
- Knowledge transfer
- Migrate off old systems
Customer Service
- Rosie - Entered Nov 2014
- Team brag
- Metrics
- Monthly meetings (UX integration)
- Recent happenings (DOH, user.co)
Customer Service - What's Next?
Continuous improvement
Comparative data over time
- Provide feedback to partners stuff, not just ours.
- Surprise and delight budget
Review public feedback regularly
Marketing, et al
Governors office
Forms & website
PR chain
The Portal
Marketing - What's Next?
- Celebrate more
- Create relationships with media contacts & PIO's
- Generate our own content
Get others to tell our stories for us
- THG, PPM, Star Advertiser
VP Overview
By Rosie Warfield
VP Overview
- 2,431