Deep Perception

(for manipulation)

Part 2

MIT 6.421

Robotic Manipulation

Fall 2023, Lecture 17

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A sample annotated image from the COCO dataset

Traditional computer vision tasks

Bingham distribution (over unit quaternions)

image from Jared Glover's PhD thesis, 2014

in 2D:

Bingham distribution (over unit quaternions)

from Jared Glover's PhD thesis, 2014

6D Object Pose Estimation Challenge

  • Until 2019, geometric pose estimation was still winning*.
  • In 2020, CosyPose: mask-rcnn + deep pose estimation + geometric pose refinement was best.

* - partly due to low render quality?

H. Wang, S. Sridhar, J. Huang, J. Valentin, S. Song, and L. J. Guibas, “Normalized Object Coordinate Space for Category-Level 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation,” in 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Long Beach, CA, USA, Jun. 2019, pp. 2637–2646, doi: 10.1109/CVPR.2019.00275.

Category-level Pose Estimation


"Procedural dishes"!

"Procedural dishes"

SE(3) pose is difficult to generalize across a category

So how do we even specify the task?

What's the cost function?

(Images of mugs on the rack?)

3D Keypoints provide rich, class-general semantics

Constraints & Cost on Keypoints

... and robust performance in practice

Lucas Manuelli*, Wei Gao*, Peter R. Florence and Russ Tedrake. kPAM: KeyPoint Affordances for Category Level Manipulation. ISRR 2019

Keypoints are not a sufficient representation

Keypoint "semantics" + dense 3D geometry

Typically don't predict keypoints directly; predict a "heatmap" instead

Dense reconstruction + annotation GUI

Example: Keypoints for boxes

box example figures from Greg Izatt

Procedural synthetic training data


Sample of results

(shoes on rack)

# train objects 10
# test objects 20
# trials 100
placed on shelf 98%
heel error (cm) 1.09 ± (1.29)
toe error (cm) 4.34 ± (3.05)

+ shape completion network (kPAM-SC)

to include collision-avoidance constraints

+ force control?

So far, keypoints are geometric and semantic 

(mug handle, front toe of shoe), but required human labels

If we forgo semantics, can we self-supervise?

Z. Qin, K. Fang, Y. Zhu, L. Fei-Fei, and S. Savarese, “KETO: Learning Keypoint Representations for Tool Manipulation,” in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2020, pp. 7278–7285

Dense Object Nets

Core technology: dense correspondences

(built on Schmidt, Newcombe, Fox, RA-L 2017)

Peter R. Florence*, Lucas Manuelli*, and Russ Tedrake. Dense Object Nets: Learning Dense Visual Object Descriptors By and For Robotic Manipulation. CoRL, 2018.

Dense Object Nets

dense 3D reconstruction

+ pixelwise contrastive loss

Good training/loss functions sharpen correspondences

Descriptors as dense self-supervised keypoints

Correspondences alone are sufficient to specify some tasks

Dense descriptors for boxes


Transporter Nets

Andy Zeng et al.  Transporter Networks: Rearranging the Visual World for Robotic Manipulation, CoRL, 2020

Lecture 17: Deep Perception (part 2)

By russtedrake

Lecture 17: Deep Perception (part 2)

MIT Robotic Manipulation Fall 2023

  • 690