Trajectory Optimization

MIT 6.8210: Underactuated Robotics

Spring 2023, Lecture 11

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Image credit: Boston Dynamics

def optimize_double_integrator(N):
  # Discrete-time approximation of the double integrator.
  dt = 0.01
  A = np.eye(2) + dt * np.mat("0 1; 0 0")
  B = dt * np.mat("0; 1")

  prog = MathematicalProgram()

  # Create decision variables
  u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, N-1, "u")
  x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, N, "x")

  # Add constraints
  x0 = [-2, 0]
  prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(x0, x0, x[:, 0])
  for n in range(N - 1):
    prog.AddConstraint(eq(x[:, n + 1],[:, n]) +[:, n])))
    prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(-1, 1, u[:, n])
    prog.AddQuadraticCost(u[0,n]**2, True)
  xf = [0, 0]
  prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(xf, xf, x[:, N - 1])

  result = Solve(prog)

Dimensional Analysis

  • Bird or plane...
    • with mass \(m\), wing area \(S\), operating in a fluid with density \(\rho\)
    • which requires a distance \(x\) to slow from \(V_0\) to \(V_f\)
  • Distance-averaged drag coefficient: 


\langle C_D \rangle = \frac{2m}{\rho S x} \ln \left( \frac{V_0}{V_f}\right)
Vehicle Average C_D
Boeing 747 0.16
X-31 0.3
Cornell Perching Plane 0.25
Common pigeon 10
  • A few (very rough) reference points:

Experiment Design

  • Glider (no propellor)
  • Flat plate wings
  • Dihedral (passive roll stability)
  • Offboard sensing and control

System Identification

  • Nonlinear rigid-body vehicle model
  • Linear actuator model (+ saturations, delay)
  • Real flight data (no wind tunnel)

Lift Coefficient

Drag Coefficient

Dynamic Model

  • Planar dynamics


  • Aerodynamics fit from data


  • State: \( {\bf x} = [x, y, \theta, \phi, \dot{x}, \dot{y}, \dot\theta] \)


  • Control: \( {\bf u} = \dot\phi \)
  • Enters motion capture @ 6m/s
  • Perch in < 3.5m away
  • Entire trajectory < 1s
Vehicle Average C_D
Boeing 747 0.16
X-31 0.3
Cornell Perching Plane 0.25
Common pigeon 10
Our glider 1.1
Cobra maneuver (Mig) 0.9

Lecture 11: Trajectory Optimization

By russtedrake

Lecture 11: Trajectory Optimization

MIT Underactuated Robotics Spring 2023

  • 864