


git installation

git basics

  • INIT to start a git repo at the current root
  • STATUS views changes made to code
  • ADD to stage files to be committed
  • COMMIT code to a repo
  • FETCH/PULL to update from a repo
  • PUSH to sync a local & remote repo
  • BRANCH to work in parallel
  • CHECKOUT to switch branches
  • MERGE to merge two branches together

Try it all out here:

Github pull requests

  • GitHub has a pull request system which allows code to be reviewed and signed off on, before merging to the master branch.
  • All code must go through pull requests to be merged.
  • In a pull request, code can be commented on line-by-line to ensure the best quality.

Working with branches

  • Create a new branch to work in, before any changes are staged.
  • Commit to that branch as you work.
  • Once changes are complete and tested, create a pull request via GitHub.
  • Notify a team member to review the code; they will approve and merge the request.
  • Once merged, delete the old branch.

working with issues

  • Use Issues to track developer tasks
  • Assign developers to tasks
  • Reference an issue number in a commit message to include in the issue discussion

Git Team Fundamentals

By Ryan Lewis

Git Team Fundamentals

  • 536