primitives & operators
class Overview
- Homework Solution
- Eclipse
- Primitive Types
- Variables
- Operators
- Integrated Development Editor (IDE)
- Used mostly for Java, but can do other languages as well
Eclipse: Make a new project
- Create a Project:
- File > New > Java Project
- Name the project "Zombie"
- Try Eclipse out:
- Compiling (Automatic)
- Setting Program Arguments
- Debugging
primitive types
- byte
- 8-bit
- signed
- -128 to 127
- byte b = 100;
- short
- 16-bit
- signed
- -32768 to 32767
- short s = 10000;
more primitive types
- int
- 32-bit
- signed
- -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
- int i = 100000;
- long
- 64-bit
- signed
- -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
- long l = 1000000000L;
even more primitive types
- float
- single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point
- float f = 123.4f;
- double
- double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floation point
- double d = 123.4
non-numeric primitive types
- true or false
- boolean result = true;
- char
- 16-bit Unicode character
- char c = 'c';
- char capitalD = 'D';
variable usage
- Declaration
- int i;
- Instantiation
- i = 21;
- Declaration & Instantiation
- int i = 21;
default declaration values
- If a variable is declared, but not initialized, the variable is set to it's default.
- Only applies to member variables, local variables must be initialized before use.
- byte, short, int -> 0
- long -> 0L
- float -> 0.0f
- double -> 0.0
- char -> '\u0000' (Null character)
- Object (or String) -> null
- boolean -> false
- Assignment Operator
- =
- Arithmetic Operators
- Compound Assignment Operators
- Unary Operators
- Relational Operators
- Conditional Operators
- Bitwise & Shift Operators
arithmetic operators
- Add: +
- 5 + 4 // 9
- Subtract: -
- 5 - 4 // 1
- Multiply: *
- 5 * 4 // 20
- Divide: / (No remainder)
- 5 / 4 // 1
- Remainder (Mod): %
- 5 % 4 // 1
compound assignment operators
- Add & Assign: +=
- x += 3
- Subtract & Assign: -=
- x -= 3
- Multiply & Assign: *=
- x *= 3
- Divide & Assign: /=
- x /= 3
- Remainder & Assign: %=
- x %= 3
unary operators
- Unary Operators only take one operand
- Positive: +
- +1234
- Negative: -
- -1234
- Increment: ++
- x++
- Decrement: --
- x--
- Logical Complement: !
- !x
relational operators
- Equals: ==
- Not Equals: !=
- Greater Than: >
- Greater Than or Equals: >=
- Less Than: <
- Less Than or Equals: <=
conditional operators
- And: &&
- Or: ||
bitwise & shift operators
- Bitwise And: &
- Bitwise Exclusive Or: ^
- Bitwise Inclusive Or: |
- Bitwise Right Shift: >>
- Bitwise Left Shift: <<
JF Lecture 02: Primitives & Operators
By Ryan Lewis
JF Lecture 02: Primitives & Operators
- 488