
Release Notes Website
About Me
How to handle a project with
36.000 individual contributors
77.000 members on slack
1.200 companies involved
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Cloud Provider
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Contributor Experience
Cluster Lifecycle
SIG Release
delivers a new kubernetes release every 3 month
around 40 people with different roles
CI Signal
Bug Triage
Release Notes
Patch Release Team
Branch Managers
Release Manager Associates
SIG Release Chairs
Release Notes Team
deliver the final kubernetes release notes
provide continuous release notes updates during the release cycle
works together with other SIGs to collect major features and known issues
The Website
written in Angular 8
and TypeScript
backend-less hosted on netlify
continuously integrated via prow
unit-tested by Jest
end-to-end tested by cypress
Kubernetes based CI/CD system
provides GitHub automation in the form of policy enforcement, chat-ops via /foo style commands, and automatic PR merging

Prow welcomes new contributors

automatic issue labeling
workflow management via approval and lgtm
automatic merge tide

Prow tests everything

Prow rebases before merging
From the Pull Request to the Website
Create a PR in kubernetes/kubernetes

Provide additional documentation if necessary

The final PR

Prow automatically labels and requests review

Graduate Volume Expansion to Beta + e2e tests #81467

Release Notes generation
go run cmd/release-notes/main.go
--output notes.json
--format json
--release-version 1.16.0
--start-rev v1.15.0
--end-rev v1.16.0
--github-token <my-secret-token>
the release notes tool is able to generate either Markdown or JSON
automatic generation for every patch release
"81467": {
"commit": "dccd28269a6596bf2f0041c14dd3233be8cfa571",
"text": "Move CSI volume expansion to beta.",
"markdown": "Move CSI volume expansion to beta. ([#81467](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/81467), [@bertinatto](https://github.com/bertinatto))\n\n Courtesy of SIG Testing",
"documentation": [
"url": "https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/issues/556",
"type": "KEP"
"author": "bertinatto",
"author_url": "https://github.com/bertinatto",
"pr_url": "https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/81467",
"pr_number": 81467,
"areas": ["test"],
"kinds": ["feature"],
"sigs": ["testing"],
"feature": true,
"release_version": "1.16.0"
Consumable JSON

Release based static assets
over 3.600 commits per release
around 300 release notes per release
export const assets = [
Mix between Redux and service based architecture
providedIn: 'root',
export class NotesService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient, private logger: LoggerService) {}
* Retrieve the notes
* @returns The NoteList as observable
getNotes(): Observable<Note[]> {
this.logger.debug(`Gathering notes from ${assets.length} assets`);
const observables = [];
for (const asset of assets) {
return forkJoin(observables).pipe(map(this.toNoteList));
* Convert an array of any objects to a list of notes
* @returns The Note list
toNoteList(jsonArray: any[]): Note[] {
const list = [];
for (let i = 0, len = jsonArray.length; i < len; i++) {
for (const value of Object.values(jsonArray[i])) {
return list;
selector: 'app-notes',
templateUrl: './notes.component.html',
providers: [],
styleUrls: ['./notes.component.scss'],
export class NotesComponent {
filter: Filter = new Filter();
allNotes: Note[] = [];
constructor(private store: Store<State>) {
this.store.dispatch(new GetNotes());
// ...
Notes retrieval and filtering via Redux
export class NotesEffects {
getNotes$ = this.actions$.pipe(
exhaustMap(() =>
map((notes: Note[]) => {
this.logger.debug('[Notes Effects:GetNotes] SUCCESS');
return new GetNotesSuccess(notes);
catchError(error => {
this.logger.debug(`[Notes Effects:GetNotes] FAILED: ${error}`);
return of(new Failed(error));
Options abstraction
* All available option types
export enum OptionType {
areas = 'areas',
kinds = 'kinds',
releaseVersions = 'releaseVersions',
sigs = 'sigs',
documentation = 'documentation',
* The option data type
export type OptionData = Map<OptionType, OptionSet>;
* The options for a single OptionType
export type OptionSet = Set<string>;
* A generic options abstraction
export class Options {
* The private data store
private store: OptionData = new Map([
[OptionType.areas, new Set()],
[OptionType.kinds, new Set()],
[OptionType.releaseVersions, new Set()],
[OptionType.sigs, new Set()],
[OptionType.documentation, new Set()],
* Retrieve the data
* @returns OptionData The currently available data
public get data(): OptionData {
return this.store;
* Retrieve an single OptionSet for the provided optionType
* @param optionType The OptionType to be used
* @returns OptionSet The data
public get(optionType: OptionType): OptionSet {
return this.data.get(optionType);
* Append an input string array to the provided option type by discarding
* duplicate elements
* @param optionType The OptionType to be used
* @param input The array of documentation string to be added
public add(optionType: OptionType, input: string[]) {
this.data.set(optionType, this.merge(this.data.get(optionType), input));
* Merge a set and a string array into a new set
* @param input The base set
* @param arr The array to be appended
* @returns OptionSet the new Set of strings
private merge(input: OptionSet, arr: string[]): OptionSet {
return new Set([...input, ...new Set(arr)]);
Filter abstraction
import { Params } from '@angular/router';
import { Options, OptionType, OptionSet } from './options.model';
* A generic filter abstraction based on the Options type
export class Filter extends Options {
* The filter text
public text = '';
* Specifies of the filter should hide pre release versions
public displayPreReleases = false;
* The markdown key for the filter text
public readonly markdownKey = 'markdown';
* Helper method to test if the filter is empty
* @returns true is the filter is empty, false otherwise
public isEmpty(): boolean {
if (this.text.length > 0) {
return false;
let empty = true;
this.data.forEach((value: OptionSet, key: string) => {
if (key !== OptionType.releaseVersions && value.size > 0) {
empty = false;
return empty;
* Helper method to convert filter object into a URI-friendly object
* @returns Params the query parameter object
public toURI(): Params {
const params = {};
// Set the markdown if needed
if (this.text.trim().length > 0) {
params[this.markdownKey] = this.text;
// Add the option data if needed
this.data.forEach((value: OptionSet, key: string) => {
if (value.size > 0) {
params[key] = [...value.values()];
return params;
* Method to see if an option is empty
* @returns boolean true if empty, otherwise false
public optionIsEmpty(optionType: OptionType): boolean {
if (super.get(optionType).size === 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Method to add a value to an OptionType
* @param optionType The OptionType to be used
* @param value The value to be added
public set(optionType: OptionType, value: string): void {
* Method to delete a value for an OptionType
* @param optionType The OptionType to be used
* @param value The value to be deleted
public del(optionType: OptionType, value: string): void {
* Method to check if the option type and value exists whtin the filter
* @param optionType The OptionType to be used
* @param value The value to be checked
* @returns boolean true if the filter contains the value, otherwise false
public has(optionType: OptionType, value: string): boolean {
return super.get(optionType).has(value);
* Method to check if the option type and value exists whtin the filter
* @param optionType The OptionType to be used
* @param values The values to be checked
* @returns boolean true if the filter contains any of the values, otherwise false
public hasAny(optionType: OptionType, values: string[]): boolean {
if (values) {
for (const v of values) {
if (this.has(optionType, v)) {
return true;
return false;
* Test wheter a release version string is a pre release
* @param version The release version string
* @returns boolean true if it's a pre-release, otherwise false
public isPreRelease(version: string): boolean {
if (version) {
return version.includes('alpha') ||
version.includes('beta') ||
return false;
Future Plans
full automation between drafting a release and the release notes website
features like RSS feeds, marking notes as read or a dedicated filter syntax
That’s it.
#sig-release #release-notes on slack.k8s.io

The Kubernetes Release Notes Website
By Sascha Grunert
The Kubernetes Release Notes Website
A talk about the Kubernetes Release Notes tooling and website.
- 1,202