Lesson 7

Stochastic Ray Tracing


  1. Introduction
  2. Supersampling
  3. Soft Shadows
  4. Glossy Surface
  5. Motion Blur
  6. Depth of Field
  7. Translucency


primary ray

shadow ray

Why does ray tracing look obviously computer generated ?

Crisp images are too "perfect":

  • Surfaces are perfectly shiny
  • Glass is perfectly clear
  • Everything in perfect focus
  • Every object is completely still
  • Even the shadows have perfect silhouettes
  • But . . . up close, edges are jagged


primary ray

shadow ray

transmitted ray

reflected ray

Distributed (Stochastic) ray tracing

Replace each single ray with a distribution of multiple rays

  • Average results together


primary ray

shadow ray

transmitted ray

reflected ray

Distributed (Stochastic) ray tracing

Replace each single ray with a distribution of multiple rays

  • Average results together

Multiple primary rays through a pixel

  • Supersampling: distribute rays spatially
  • Motion blur: distribute rays temporally
  • Depth of field: distribute rays through a lens


primary ray

shadow ray

transmitted ray

reflected ray

Distributed (Stochastic) ray tracing

Replace each single ray with a distribution of multiple rays

  • Average results together

Multiple primary rays through a pixel

  • Supersampling: distribute rays spatially
  • Motion blur: distribute rays temporally
  • Depth of field: distribute rays through a lens

Multiple shadow rays to sample an area light

  • Soft Shadows


primary ray

shadow ray

transmitted ray

reflected ray

Distributed (Stochastic) ray tracing

Replace each single ray with a distribution of multiple rays

  • Average results together

Multiple primary rays through a pixel

  • Supersampling: distribute rays spatially
  • Motion blur: distribute rays temporally
  • Depth of field: distribute rays through a lens

Multiple shadow rays to sample an area light

  • Soft Shadows

Multiple reflection rays

  • Glossy surfaces: blurry reflection, rough specular


primary ray

shadow ray

transmitted ray

reflected ray

Distributed (Stochastic) ray tracing

Replace each single ray with a distribution of multiple rays

  • Average results together

Multiple primary rays through a pixel

  • Supersampling: distribute rays spatially
  • Motion blur: distribute rays temporally
  • Depth of field: distribute rays through a lens

Multiple shadow rays to sample an area light

  • Soft Shadows

Multiple reflection rays

  • Glossy surfaces: blurry reflection, rough specular

Multiple refraction rays

  • Translucency


Instead of point sampling the color of a pixel with a ray, we cast multiple rays from eye (primary rays) through different parts of one pixel and average down the results


Instead of point sampling the color of a pixel with a ray, we cast multiple rays from eye (primary rays) through different parts of one pixel and average down the results

For example, cast \(n\times n\) sub-pixels rays, and average the results together:



Super-sampling does not eliminate aliasing,
it simply pushes it to
higher frequencies

  • Supersampling captures more high frequencies, but frequencies above the supersampling rate are still aliased
  • Fundamentally, problem is that the signal is not band-limited \(\Rightarrow\) aliasing happens


Other than regular, fixed sampling pattern, sampling can also be stochastic
(a.k.a., random, probabilistic, or Monte Carlo)

Non-fixed Sampling Patterns


Samples taken at non-uniformly spaced random offsets


Replaces low-frequency aliasing pattern by noise, which is less objectionable to humans

Stochastic Supersampling

uniform sampling




Samples taken at non-uniformly spaced random offsets


Replaces low-frequency aliasing pattern by noise, which is less objectionable to humans


However, with random sampling, we could get unlucky, e.g., all samples in one corner

  • Over 80% of the samples are black while the pixel should be light grey

Stochastic Supersampling

uniform sampling




To prevent clustering of the random samples, divide \([0, 1)^2\) domain (pixel) into non-overlapping regions (sub-pixels) called strata


Take one random sample per stratum


Jittered sampling is stratified sampling with per-stratum sample taken at an offset from the center of each stratum:

  • One sample per stratum
  • Randomly perturb the sample location
  • Size of perturbation vector limited by the subpixel distance
  • Patented by Pixar!

Stratified Sampling

uniform sampling




1 ray per pixel

Stratified Sampling


16 rays per pixel (uniform)

Stratified Sampling


16 rays per pixel (jittered)

Stratified Sampling


Motion Blur

Aliasing happens in time as well as in space

  • The sampling rate is the frame rate: 30Hz (NTSC),
    25Hz (PAL), 24Hz (film)
  • If we point-sample time, objects have a jerky, strobbed look, e.g., sampling at ¼ rotation
  • Fast moving objects move large distances between frames

Temporal Aliasing

Temporal Aliasing

Film automatically does temporal anti-aliasing

  • Photographic film integrates over the exposure time
  • This shows up as motion blur in the photographs 

Motion Blur

Temporal Aliasing

To avoid temporal aliasing we need to average over time also


Sample objects temporally

  • Cast multiple rays from eye through the same point in each pixel
  • Each of these rays intersects the scene at a different time: \( r(\vec{o}, \vec{d}, time) \)
  • Average out results


The result is still-frame motion blur and smooth animation 

Motion Blur



Darkness caused when part or all of the illumination from a light source is blocked by an occluder (shadow caster) 


Point light sources give unrealistic hard shadows


Light sources that extend over an area (area light sources) cast soft-edged shadows

  • Some points see all the light: fully illuminated
  • Some points see none of the light source: the umbra
  • Some points see part of the light source: the penumbra

Hard and Soft Shadows


Cast multiple shadow rays from surface, distributed across the surface of the light: each ray to a different point on the light source

  • Inside the umbra, no shadow rays get through to light
  • Inside the penumbra, some shadow rays get through and some parts of the are light is visible
  • Outside the penumbra, all shadow rays get through 

Hard and Soft Shadows

Ray Tracing Area Light Source to Create Soft Shadows


At each point, sum the contributions of shadow rays from that point to find the strength of shadow:

\[\frac{hits\cdot 100\%}{rays} = illuminated\%\]

Hard and Soft Shadows

Ray Tracing Area Light Source to Create Soft Shadows

20% illuminated



  • Break a pixel into a grid of sub-pixels and distribute rays over the sub-pixels



  • Break an area light into a grid of \(N = n\times n\) point lights, each with \(\frac{1}{N}\) the intensity of the base light
  • Sample the light, not the pixel
  • Each primary ray generates multiple shadow rays per light source

Sampling Area Light


Stochastic Area-Light Sampling

Vec3f CShaderPhong::shade(const Ray& ray) {
    Ray shadow(ray.hitPoint());                              // shadow ray
    for (auto& pLight : m_scene.getLights()) {               // for each light source
        Vec3f L = Vec3f::all(0);                             // incoming randiance

        // get direction to light, and intensity
        Vec3f radiance = pLight->illuminate(shadow);         // shadow.dir is updated
        if (radiance && !m_scene.if_intersect(shadow)) {     // if not occluded
            // ------ diffuse ------
            if (m_kd > 0) {
                float cosLightNormal = shadow.dir.dot(n);
                if (cosLightNormal > 0)
                   L += m_kd * cosLightNormal * color.mul(radiance);
            // ------ specular ------
            if (m_ks > 0) {
                float cosLightReflect = shadow.dir.dot(reflected.dir);
                if (cosLightReflect > 0)
                    L += m_ks * powf(cosLightReflect, m_ke) * specularColor.mul(radiance);
        res += L;
Vec3f CLightOmni::illuminate(Ray& ray) {
    // ray towards point light position
    ray.dir	= m_org - ray.org;
    ray.t	= norm(ray.dir);
    ray.dir = normalize(ray.dir);
    ray.hit = nullptr;
    double attenuation = 1 / (ray.t * ray.t);
    return attenuation * m_intensity;

A point light source may be sampled with only one sample


Stochastic Area-Light Sampling

Vec3f CShaderPhong::shade(const Ray& ray) {
    Ray shadow(ray.hitPoint());                              // shadow ray
    for (auto& pLight : m_scene.getLights()) {               // for each light source
        Vec3f L = Vec3f::all(0);                             // incoming randiance
        size_t nSamples = pLight->getNumSamples();           // number of samples
        for (size_t s = 0; s < nSamples; s++) {
            // get direction to light, and intensity
            Vec3f radiance = pLight->illuminate(shadow);     // shadow.dir is updated
            if (radiance && !m_scene.if_intersect(shadow)) { // if not occluded
                // ------ diffuse ------
                if (m_kd > 0) {
                    float cosLightNormal = shadow.dir.dot(n);
                    if (cosLightNormal > 0)
                       L += m_kd * cosLightNormal * color.mul(radiance);
                // ------ specular ------
                if (m_ks > 0) {
                    float cosLightReflect = shadow.dir.dot(reflected.dir);
                    if (cosLightReflect > 0)
                        L += m_ks * powf(cosLightReflect, m_ke) * specularColor.mul(radiance);
        res += L / nSamples                                   // average the resulting radiance
Vec3f CLightOmni::illuminate(Ray& ray) {
    Vec2f sample = m_pSampler->getNextSample();
    Vec3f org = m_org + sample.val[0] * m_edge1 + sample.val[1] * m_edge2;

    Vec3f res = CLightOmni::illuminate(ray);

    double cosN = -ray.dir.dot(m_normal) / ray.t;
    if (cosN > 0) return m_area * cosN * res.value();
    else          return Vec3f::all(0);

A point light source may be sampled with only one sample

Whereas area light source need multiple samples


Stochastic Area-Light Sampling

Vec3f CShaderPhong::shade(const Ray& ray) {
    Ray shadow(ray.hitPoint());                              // shadow ray
    for (auto& pLight : m_scene.getLights()) {               // for each light source
        Vec3f L = Vec3f::all(0);                             // incoming randiance
        size_t nSamples = pLight->getNumSamples();           // number of samples
        for (size_t s = 0; s < nSamples; s++) {
            // get direction to light, and intensity
            Vec3f radiance = pLight->illuminate(shadow);     // shadow.dir is updated
            if (radiance && !m_scene.if_intersect(shadow)) { // if not occluded
                // ------ diffuse ------
                if (m_kd > 0) {
                    float cosLightNormal = shadow.dir.dot(n);
                    if (cosLightNormal > 0)
                       L += m_kd * cosLightNormal * color.mul(radiance);
                // ------ specular ------
                if (m_ks > 0) {
                    float cosLightReflect = shadow.dir.dot(reflected.dir);
                    if (cosLightReflect > 0)
                        L += m_ks * powf(cosLightReflect, m_ke) * specularColor.mul(radiance);
        res += L / nSamples                                   // average the resulting radiance
Vec3f CLightArea::illuminate(Ray& ray) {
    Vec2f sample = m_pSampler->getNextSample();
    Vec3f org = m_org + sample.val[0] * m_edge1 + sample.val[1] * m_edge2;

    Vec3f res = CLightOmni::illuminate(ray);

    double cosN = -ray.dir.dot(m_normal) / ray.t;
    if (cosN > 0) return m_area * cosN * res.value();
    else          return Vec3f::all(0);

A point light source may be sampled with only one sample

Whereas area light source need multiple samples


Stochastic Area-Light Sampling

Area light sampling is another way to describe the standard rendering equation:

$$ L_o(p,\omega_o) = L_e(p,\omega_o) + \int_{H^2(\vec{n})} f_r(p,\omega_o,\omega_i)L_i(p,\omega_i)\cos\theta_i d\omega_i$$


by integrating not over the hemisphere, but over the area of the light source:

$$ L_o(p,\omega_o) = L_e(p,\omega_o) + \int_{t\in S} f_r(p,\omega_o,\omega_i)L_o(p,-\omega_i) \frac{\cos{\theta_i}\cos{\theta_o}}{(p-t)^2} dA_y $$

integration over a hemisphere


integration over the light source



Sample Distribution

Uniform distribution gives rise to sharp transitions / patterns inside penumbra

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 1 / light (centered) 

Overall: 4 rays / pixel

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light (uniform)
Overall: 64 rays / pixel


Stochastic Sampling of Area Light

Area light represented as a rectangle in 3D, each ray-object intersection samples the area-light at random:

\[\vec{r} = \vec{c} + \xi_1\vec{a} + \xi_2\vec{b},\]

where \(\xi_1\) and \(\xi_2\) are random variables


Stratified sampling of the area light with samples spaced uniformly plus a small perturbation: \[\left\{\vec{r}(i, j),0\leq i,j\leq n-1\right\}\]



Sampling Rate

As with stochastic super-sampling for anti-aliasing, light sampling rate must be high, otherwise high-frequency noise becomes visible

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 1 / light 

Overall: 4 rays / pixel

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light Overall: 64 rays / pixel


Samples Distribution

The total number of samples is the same in both cases, but because the version with 16 shadow samples per 1 image sample is able to use an Stratified Sampling, all of the shadow samples in a pixel’s area are well distributed, while in the first image the implementation here has no way to prevent them from being poorly distributed.

Primary rays: 16 / pixel

Shadow rays: 1 / light 

Overall: 16 rays / pixel

Primary rays: 1 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light Overall: 16 rays / pixel


Samples Distribution

The total number of samples is the same in both cases, but because the version with 16 shadow samples per 1 image sample is able to use an Stratified Sampling, all of the shadow samples in a pixel’s area are well distributed, while in the first image the implementation here has no way to prevent them from being poorly distributed.

Primary rays: 16 / pixel

Shadow rays: 1 / light 

Overall: 16 rays / pixel

Primary rays: 1 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light Overall: 16 rays / pixel

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Unit Disc


4096 random samples

4096 random samples

Random Sampling

r=\xi_1 \\ \theta=2\pi\xi_2 \\ x=r\cos{\theta} \\ y=r\sin{\theta} \\

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Unit Disc

4096 random samples

4096 random samples

r=\xi_1 \\ \theta=2\pi\xi_2 \\ x=r\cos{\theta} \\ y=r\sin{\theta} \\

Random Sampling

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Unit Disc

4096 random samples

4096 random samples

r=\sqrt{\xi_1} \\ \theta=2\pi\xi_2 \\ x=r\cos{\theta} \\ y=r\sin{\theta} \\

Random Sampling

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Unit Disc

4096 stratified samples

4096 stratified samples

r=\sqrt{\xi_1} \\ \theta=2\pi\xi_2 \\ x=r\cos{\theta} \\ y=r\sin{\theta} \\

Stratified Sampling

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Unit Disc

4096 uniform samples

4096 stratified samples

Stratified Sampling

r=\sqrt{\xi_1} \\ \theta=2\pi\xi_2 \\ x=r\cos{\theta} \\ y=r\sin{\theta} \\

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Unit Disc

4096 uniform samples

4096 stratified samples

Concentric Sampling

r=\xi_1 \\ \theta=\frac{\xi_2}{\xi_1}\frac{\pi}{4} \\ x=r\cos{\theta} \\ y=r\sin{\theta} \\

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Hemisphere



Uniform Sampling

r=\sqrt{\xi_1} \\ \theta=2\pi\xi_2 \\ x=r\cos{\theta} \\ y=r\sin{\theta} \\
\phi=\arccos{\xi_1} \\ \theta=2\pi\xi_2 \\ x=\sin{\phi}\cos{\theta} \\ y=\sin{\phi}\sin{\theta} \\ z=\cos{\phi}

Transformations between Distributions

Sampling a Hemisphere

Cosine-Weighted Sampling

To sample direction vectors from a cosine-weighted distribution, uniformly sample points on the unit disk and project them up to the unit hemisphere.

Vec3f CSampler::cosineSampleHemisphere(const Vec2f& sample) {
    Vec2f s = concentricSampleDisk(sample);
    float z = sqrtf(max(0.0f, 1.0f - s[0] * s[0] - s[1] * s[1]));
    return Vec3f(s[0], s[1], z);

Depth of Field


Lens with big aperture

optical axis


Focus Plane



The Circle of Confusion (CoC) is the maximum size that a blur spot, on the image captured by the camera sensor, will be seen as a point in the final image.

Object is considered in focus if on an 8×10 print viewed at a distance of 10”, diameter of CoC ≤ 0.01” (1930’s standard!) 


Depth of Field


Lens with small aperture

optical axis


Focus Plane



The Circle of Confusion (CoC) is the maximum size that a blur spot, on the image captured by the camera sensor, will be seen as a point in the final image.

Object is considered in focus if on an 8×10 print viewed at a distance of 10”, diameter of CoC ≤ 0.01” (1930’s standard!) 


Depth of Field


Depth of Field

Real cameras have lenses with focal lengths

  • Only one plane is truly in focus
  • Points away from the focus project as circle of confusion
  • The further away from the focus the larger the circle


The range of distances that appear in focus is the depth of field

  • smaller apertures (larger f-numbers) result in greater depth of field


Depth of field can be simulated by distributing primary rays through different parts of a lens assembly 

Depth of Field

  • All rays origin from point \(\vec{B}\)
  • Pixel \(p_1\), which corresponds to an object point \(\vec{D}\) in the focus plane uses ray \(\vec{D} - \vec{B}\)
  • Pixel \(p_2\), for object \(\vec{E}\) behind (or in front of) the focus plane, uses ray \(\vec{E} - \vec{B}\)


Standard ray tracing

optical axis


focus plane

image plane




Depth of Field

  • Rays origin from the lens plane (e.g. points \(\vec{A}\), \(\vec{B}\) and \(\vec{C}\) )
  • Pixel \(p_1\), which corresponds to an object point \(\vec{D}\) in the focus plane uses rays \(\vec{p_1} - \vec{A}\), \(\vec{p_1} - \vec{B}\) and \(\vec{p_1} - \vec{C}\)
  • Pixel \(p_2\), for object \(\vec{E}\) behind (or in front of) the focus plane, averages rays \(\vec{p_2} - \vec{A}\), \(\vec{p_2} - \vec{B}\) and \(\vec{p_2} - \vec{C}\) 
  • To simulate more accurately, first refract primary rays through lens


Stochastic ray tracing

optical axis


focus plane

image plane




Depth of Field

Or simply select eye positions randomly from a square region


Glossy Reflections

Ray tracing simulates perfect specular reflection, true only for perfect mirrors and chrome surfaces

Most surfaces are imperfect specular reflectors:

  • Surface microfacets perturb direction of reflected rays
  • Reflect rays in a cone around perfect reflection direction
  • Phong specular lighting tries to fake this with the \(k_e\) exponent 

Glossy Reflections

For each ray-object intersection

  • Instead of shooting one ray in the perfect specular reflection (mirror) direction
  • stochastically sample multiple rays within the cone about the specular angle
  • Strength of reflection drops off rapidly away from the specular angle
  • Probability of sampling that direction should fall off similarly


perfect mirror

polished surface

Glossy Reflections

Instead of mirror images:

  • Highlights can be soft
  • Blurred reflections of objects


Nearby objects reflect more clearly because distribution still narrow


Farther objects reflect more blurry because distribution has spread  

Glossy Reflections

Scene rendered with a relatively ineffective sampler (left) and a carefully designed sampler (right), using the same number of samples for each. The improvement in image quality, ranging from the edges of the highlights to the quality of the glossy reflections, is noticeable.

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light
Reflection rays: 16 / point (random)

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light
Reflection rays: 16 / point (stratified / cosine sampling)

Glossy Reflections

Scene rendered with a relatively ineffective sampler (left) and a carefully designed sampler (right), using the same number of samples for each. The improvement in image quality, ranging from the edges of the highlights to the quality of the glossy reflections, is noticeable.

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light
Reflection rays: 16 / point (random)

Primary rays: 4 / pixel

Shadow rays: 16 / light
Reflection rays: 16 / point (stratified / cosine sampling)


Similar, but for refraction

  • Instead of distributing rays around the reflection ray, distribute them around the refracted ray  



Stochastic Ray Tracing

By Dr. Sergey Kosov

Stochastic Ray Tracing

Lesson 7: www.OpenRT.org

  • 1,231