Honest and high quality extension requests will always be granted.
- Office hours tmrw morning 10-12
- Slight scheduling update: 11/15 class will just be recorded. No guest lecturer.
- Final project type up just give me the week to finish writing it up and sharing data/paper links
- Quick Check-in: Any feedback? Rest of the classes will be mathy and you implement the math on neural data but practically it's the same thing for any data.
Neural Signal Processing & Machine Learning
ELEC/BIOE 548 | ELEC 483
Fall 2022
Episode 20: Gaussian Mixture Models!
Introduction. Class & brains
Fundamental neurobiology. How do neurons fire? How/what do we record?
Modeling spike trains. First bit of analysis work and understanding firing properties of neurons.
Classification. Making machines learn. Which direction is a monkey trying to reach? Bayesian decoding.
Point processes. Continued modeling work of neurons.
Clustering/Mixture models. Making machines learn some more. Spike sorting.
Bi-weekly Schedule
Continuous decoding. Kalman filters. Machines continue to learn.
Spectral analysis? LFP interpretation in spectral domain. But also kinda in clustering.
Brain Signals!
How can we measure neural activity?
What info do neurons encode in trains of action potentials (“spike trains”)?
How can we model “statically” encoded information?
Signal conditioning – “spike sorting” (PCA, Expectation-Maximization)
How can we model/decode “dynamic” information? (filtering, Kalman, HMM)
Beyond spike trains (LFP, EEG, imaging)
Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
After first E Step
After first M Step
Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
ELEC548 Lec20
By Shayok Dutta
ELEC548 Lec20
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