

  • Office hours tmrw morning as usual
    • General note
  • Hw 3 Note
    • Cool stuff!
  • Hws 5 &6 will be merged and shortened-ish plus one NEW :D question
  • Final project
  • Hard out at the end of class. I need to go steal some candy from 12:20 need to be at Mudd

Neural Signal Processing & Machine Learning

ELEC/BIOE 548 | ELEC 483

Fall 2022

Episodes 21 & 22 Dimensionality Reduction


Introduction. Class & brains


Fundamental neurobiology. How do neurons fire? How/what do we record?


Modeling spike trains. First bit of analysis work and understanding firing properties of neurons.


Classification. Making machines learn. Which direction is a monkey trying to reach? Bayesian decoding.


Point processes. Continued modeling work of neurons.


Clustering/Mixture models. Making machines learn some more. Spike sorting.

Bi-weekly Schedule


Continuous decoding. Kalman filters. Machines continue to learn.


Spectral analysis? LFP interpretation in spectral domain. But also kinda in clustering.

Brain Signals!

  • How can we measure neural activity?

  • What info do neurons encode in trains of action potentials (“spike trains”)?

  • How can we model “statically” encoded information?

  • Estimation/”decoding”

  • Signal conditioning – “spike sorting” (PCA, Expectation-Maximization)

  • How can we model/decode “dynamic” information? (filtering, Kalman, HMM)

  • Beyond spike trains (LFP, EEG, imaging)

Quick alternative formulation: Distance Maximization

ELEC548 Lec21&22

By Shayok Dutta

ELEC548 Lec21&22

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