Intro to Machine Learning
Midterm Review
Shen Shen
March 15, 2024
- Rundown
- Past Exam
- Q&A
Week 1 - IntroML
- Terminologies
- Training, validation, testing
- Identifying overfitting, underfitting
- Concrete process
- Learning algorithm
- Cross-validation
- Concept of hyperparamter
Week 2 - Regression
- Problem Setup
- Analytical solution formula \(\theta^*=\left(\tilde{X}^{\top} \tilde{X}\right)^{-1} \tilde{X}^{\top} \tilde{Y}\) (what's \(\tilde{X}\))
- When \(\tilde{X}^{\top} \tilde{X}\) not invertible (solutions still exist; just not via the "formula")
- Practically (two scenarios)
- Visually (obj fun no longer "bowl" shape, "half-pipe" shape)
- Mathematically (loss of solution uniqueness)
- Regularization
- Motivation, how to, when to.
- Cross-validation
Week 3 - Gradient Descent
- Gradient vector
- The algorithm, gradient-descent formula
- How does "stochastic" gradient descent differ
- (Convex + small-enough step-size + gradient descent) guarantees convergence to global min (when global min exists)
- If not convex, can e.g. get stuck in local min
- If step-size too big, can diverge
- If stochastic gradient descent, can be "wild"
Week 4 - Classification
- (Binary) linear classifier (sign based)
- (Binary) Linear logistic classifier
- Sigmoid
- NLL loss
- Linear separator (equation form, pictorial form with normal vector)
- Linear separability
- How to handle multiple classes
- Softmax generalization
- Multiple sigmoids
- One-vs-one, one-vs-all
Week 5 - Features
- Feature transformations
- Applying a fixed feature transformation
- Hand-design a good feature transformation (e.g. towards getting linear separability)
- Interplay between number of features, quality of features, and quality of learning algorithms
- Feature encoding
- One-hot, thermometer, factored, numerical, standardization
Week 6 - Neural Networks
- Forward-pass (for evaluation)
- Backward-pass (via backpropogation, for optimization)
- Source of expressiveness
- Output layer design
- dimension, activation, loss
- Hand-design weights
- to match some given function form
- achieve some goal (e.g. separate a given data set)
import random
terms= ["fall2023", "spring2023", "fall2022", "spring2022",
"fall2021", "fall2019", "spring2019", "fall2018"]
qunums = range(1,9)
base_URL = ""
term = random.choice(terms)
num = random.choice(qunums)
print("term:", term)
print("question number:", num)
print(f"Link: {base_URL+term}.pdf")
- Past exams
- Annotated Lecture Notes Study Questions
- Annotated Lab takeaway
- Piazza
General problem-solving tips
More detailed CliffsNotes
General exam tips
- Arrive 5min early to get settled in.
- Bring a watch.
- Bring a pencil (and eraser).
- Look over whole exam and strategize for the order you do problems.
- Bring some water.
Good luck!
By Shen Shen
- 101