Neural Rendering

From Beginner

YiDar, Tang

2022 Feb



  1. Introduction and Applications to Neural Rendering
  2. NeRF-Based Algorithms
  3. Text2Mesh
  4. Resources
  1. Introduction and Applications to Neural Rendering
  2. NeRF-Based Algorithms
  3. Text2Mesh
  4. Resources

Introduction and Applications to Neural Rendering

Neural Rendering, a definition:

Deep neural network for image or video generation that

enable explicit or implicit control of scene properties

Neural Rendering, a definition:

Deep neural network for image or video generation that

enable explicit or implicit control of scene properties

Generative networks that synthesize pixels

Neural Rendering, a definition:

Deep neural network for image or video generation that

enable explicit or implicit control of scene properties

Generative networks that synthesize pixels

Controllable by interpretable parameters or by conditioning input

Neural Rendering, a definition:

Deep neural network for image or video generation that

enable explicit or implicit control of scene properties

Generative networks that synthesize pixels

Controllable by interpretable parameters or by conditioning input

Illumination, camera, pose, geometry, appearance, semantic structure, animation, ...


Deferred Neural Rendering: Image Synthesis using Neural Textures

Nerual Volumes

Detail in the next section


  1. Semantic Photo Synthesis (w/o CG tech)
  2. Novel View Synthesis of Static Content
  3. Generalization over Object and Scene Classes
  4. Learning to Represent and Render Non-static Content
  5. Compositionality and Editing
  6. Relighting and Material Editing


"Semantic Photo Synthesis" is listed in the 2020 Apr paper "State of the Art on Neural Rendering"

2~6 are listed in the 2021 Nov Paper  "Advances in Neural Rendering"

Semantic Photo Synthesis

(2019) GauGAN

Source :

 (2021) GauGAN2

(2021) GLIDE

Novel View Synthesis of Static Content

(2020) NeRF

A super hot approach in neural rendering

(2018) Neural scene representation and rendering

The first article using notation "neural rendering"

Rendering a given scene from new camera positions, given a set of images and their camera poses as training set.

Generalization over Object and Scene Classes

(2019) HoloGAN

With lesser training data/inputs.

HoloGAN can train a GAN model with pure 2D training data

The key idea is apply 3D transform in 4D tensor (X,Y,Z,C).

(2021) IBRNet

IBRNet rendering novel view based on the camera rays to other view points

Learning to Represent and Render Non-static Content

Handling dynamically changing content.

(1999) Bullet Time

Movie : The Matrix

(2021) HyperNeRF

(2021) AD-NeRF

Drive video with audio


Compositionality and Editing

Rearranging and affine transforming the objects and altering their structure and appearance. 

(2021) Editing Conditional Radiance Fields

This method can propagate coarse 2D user scribbles to the 3D space, to modify the color or shape of a local region.

(2021) st-nerf

Enabling a variety of editing functions

manipulating the scale and location



Relighting and Material Editing

(2021) Total Relighting

A novel system for portrait relighting and background replacement.

(2020) NHMT

Using a human video to driving a given monocular RGB image.


(2020) Real-time Deep Dynamic Characters

Using a human video to driving a given monocular RGB image.


(2021) Text2Mesh

Editing input mesh with "text" prompt or "image" prompt.

NeRF-Based Algorithms

Approaches in Novel View Synthesis

NeRF Based Algorithms

  1. (Base) NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis
  2. (Faster Inference) Neural Sparse Voxel Fields
  3. (Faster Training) Depth-supervised NeRF: Fewer Views and Faster Training for Free
  4. (Lighting) NeRV: Neural Reflectance and Visibility Fields
    for Relighting and View Synthesis

All topics in awesome-NeRF : Faster Inference / Faster Training / Unconstrained Images / Deformable / Video / Generalization / Pose Estimation / Lighting / Compositionality / Scene Labelling and Understanding / Editing / Object Category Modeling / Multi-scale / Model Reconstruction / Depth Estimation

  • Publish at arxiv 2003.08934 (2020 March)
  • Cited by 749 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at SIGGRAPH 2021 Course
  1. Neural Volumetric Rendering
  2. 5D input : Spatial x,y,z + View Direction θ, ϕ
  3. Training data : 20~30 images (and their position, direction information)
  4. Positional Encoding
  5. Neural model is a MLP Network (Not CNN or Transformer)
  6. Each of the follow scene is encoding into \(\approx\) 5 MB network


suppose we have

color \(c\)

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)

suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)

suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

Some Math

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)


suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)


Probablity of first hit at \(t\) : \(T(t)\sigma(t)dt\)

suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)


Probablity of first hit at \(t\) : \(T(t)\sigma(t)dt\)

expected color for ray :


suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)


Probablity of first hit at \(t\) : \(T(t)\sigma(t)dt\)

expected color for ray :


     \(\approx\) a lower computation term

     \(=\sum_{i=1}^{n}T_i c_i \alpha_i\)

Some Math

suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)


Probablity of first hit at \(t\) : \(T(t)\sigma(t)dt\)

expected color for ray :


     \(\approx\) a lower computation term

     \(=\sum_{i=1}^{n}T_i c_i \alpha_i\)

Notation for computation Detail:

      \(T_i = \prod_{j=1}^{i-1} (1-\alpha_j)\)

      \(\alpha_i = 1-exp(-\sigma_i\delta_i)\)

suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

  • ✅ essential knowledge in traditional volume rendering
  • ❎ particle function \(\sigma, c\) in the real world

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)


Probablity of first hit at \(t\) : \(T(t)\sigma(t)dt\)

expected color for ray :


     \(\approx\) a lower computation term

     \(=\sum_{i=1}^{n}T_i c_i \alpha_i\)

Notation for computation Detail:

      \(T_i = \prod_{j=1}^{i-1} (1-\alpha_j)\)

      \(\alpha_i = 1-exp(-\sigma_i\delta_i)\)

suppose we have

color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

  • ✅ essential knowledge in traditional volume rendering
  • ❎ particle function \(\sigma, c\) in the real world
    \( \rightarrow\) model them with a nerual network

volume density : \(\sigma(t)\)

P[no hit before t] : \(T(t)\)


Probablity of first hit at \(t\) : \(T(t)\sigma(t)dt\)

expected color for ray :


     \(\approx\) a lower computation term

     \(=\sum_{i=1}^{n}T_i c_i \alpha_i\)

Notation for computation Detail:

      \(T_i = \prod_{j=1}^{i-1} (1-\alpha_j)\)

      \(\alpha_i = 1-exp(-\sigma_i\delta_i)\)


color \(c\)

density \(\sigma\)

Store Data Approaches




(x,y) \(\rightarrow\) r,g,b

\(r,g,b = A[x,y]\)

\(r,g,b = f(x,y)\)


MLP Network

Necessary information for get color of a particle

[particle denstiy \(\sigma\) and color \(r,g,b\)]

depends on

spatial information & view direction

\((x, y, z, \theta, \phi)\)

Store Data Approaches




\((x, y, z, \theta, \phi)\)

\(\rightarrow r,g,b,\sigma\)

\(r,g,b,\sigma = A[x, y, z, \theta, \phi]\)



MLP Network

\(r,g,b,\sigma = f(x, y, z, \theta, \phi)\)


(x,y) \(\rightarrow\) r,g,b

\(r,g,b = A[x,y]\)

\(r,g,b = f(x,y)\)

\(argmin_{MLP}(\sum_{i=1}^{n}T_i c_i \alpha_i - c_{true})^2\)

A very nice way to connect traditional and modern techniques

And can insert lots of technique easily

\(argmin_{MLP}(\sum_{i=1}^{n}T_i c_i \alpha_i - c_{true})^2\)

NeRF problems

  • Not anti-alised
  • Very slow
  • Network must be retrained for every scene
  • Requires many input images
  • Need scene to be static and have fixed lighting

NeRF website

  • Publish at arxiv 2007.11571 (2020 July)
  • Cited by 173 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at SIGGRAPH 2021 Course

Key Idea : Split a global MLP to sparse voxel wise MLP

  • Publish at arxiv 2007.11571 (2020 July)
  • Cited by 173 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at SIGGRAPH 2021 Course

Key Idea : Split a global MLP to sparse voxel wise MLP

Advantages :

  • More powerful in finer detail
  • Much faster than NeRF
  • Publish at arxiv 2007.11571 (2020 July)
  • Cited by 173 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at SIGGRAPH 2021 Course

Key Idea : Split a global MLP to sparse voxel wise MLP

Advantages :

  • More powerful in finer detail
  • Much faster than NeRF
  • Easily Scene editing and composition
    (Since model with voxel wise MLP explicitly)
  • Publish at arxiv 2107.02791 (2021 July)
  • Cited by 14 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at project page

Their method can train NeRF with fewer input and faster







All of following result train with 2 input

  • Publish at arxiv 2107.02791 (2021 July)
  • Cited by 14 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at project page

Their method can train NeRF with fewer input and faster

Key Idea :
     Free lunch from depth estimation of key points

  • Publish at arxiv 2107.02791 (2021 July)
  • Cited by 14 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at project page

Their method can train NeRF with fewer input and faster

Key Idea :
     Free lunch from depth estimation of key points

     Supervise it!

  • Publish at arxiv 2012.03927 (2020 Dec)
  • Cited by 70 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at project page

Additional : Known light source in training

Relighting and View Synthesis

Material Editing

Relighting and View Synthesis

Material Editing

  • Publish at arxiv 2012.03927 (2020 Dec)
  • Cited by 70 at 2022 Feb
  • Author Video Explain at project page

Additional : Known light source in training

Relighting and View Synthesis

Material Editing


Particles absorb enviorment light, then self emitting


Phantom Blood

Prev :

won't use traditional techniques

Phantom Blood

After :

won't ignore CS history

Prev :

won't use traditional techniques

arxiv 2112.03221

Before Text2Mesh

What is CLIP

OpenAI's model : CLIP

This model can measure the similarity between
(text, Image) pair

Awesome CLIP applications

Image generation / manipulation with given text prompt

My Medium : Chinese, English

Previous Talk : From Style Transfer to Text-Driven Image Manipulation

Awesome CLIP applications

Crop-CLIP github

Free Lunch!

Crop the region proposal with highest CLIP score for the given text

Awesome CLIP applications






(Detic) Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision

arXiv 2201.02605, github

Direct fuse some CLIP text information to training loop

Awesome CLIP applications

Text2Mesh modifies an input mesh to conform to the target text by predicting color and geometric details. The weights of the neural style network are optimized by rendering multiple 2D images and applying 2D augmentations, which are given a similarity score to the target from the CLIP-based semantic loss.


Edit the given mesh with a trainable MLP

The MLP\((x,y,z)\)

  • color : \(<r,g,b>\)
  • normal displacement : \(d\)

Select Images collection






aug_x = transforms.RandomPerspective(
  fill=1, p=0.8, distortion_scale=0.5

Total Loss

code_x = CLIP_I(aug_x)
avg_code_x = code_x.mean(axis=batch)
loss_x = -cos(avg_code_x, code_text)
total_loss = ( loss_global
     + loss_local + loss_displ)


  • - net : w/o network
  • - aug : w/o augmentation
  • - FFN : w/o position encoding
  • - crop : w/o local
  • - displ : w/o geometry-only
  • - 3D : learning over 2D plane

‘Candle made of bark’

Beyond Text-Driven Manipulation

image target
image target
image target
mesh target

original target is \(CLIP_{Text}("...")\)

Can also use \(CLIP_{Image}(I)\) and get good result

Donald John Trump

My Experiments (~20 min/750 iter with colab pro)

based on this kaggle kernel :

Kimono Female

Nike Sport Shoe


  • Neural Rendering is a booming research topic
  • NeRF (2020 March) is a superhot bone method
    • End-to-End
    • Render with pure CG technique (Volumetric Rendering)
    • Model the volumetric property with pure MLP
    • Many research extend this bone method for different aspect
  • You can get free lunch if you combine some modern / classical techniques in the wise way
    • DS-NeRF
    • Crop-CLIP
  • There are some greedy (and work) techique for combine 2D and 3D information
    • Text2Mesh
    • Holo-GAN (advance : \(\pi\)-GAN)
  • For advance, please goto Advances in Neural Rendering



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Neural Rendering

By sin_dar_soup

Neural Rendering

  • 443