Intro to Full-Stack Javascript

Course Introduction:

Plan + Workflow

Summer Semester 2020

Instructor: Taimur Khan


  • 8 Digital Sessions (Google Classroom), each session is 2 weeks long
  • 2 Components to each session
    • Self-learning component: Javascript as a Language
    • Guided-learning: Full-stack concepts + Q&A sessions (every Wednesday 16-18)
      • The first Q&A will be on 22.04.2020 on our Google Classroom "Stream"
      • Subsequent Q&As (starting Week 2) will be 1-1 appointments (15 mins each) between 16h -18h


Self-Learning Component

  • Book: Eloquent Javascript - A Modern Introduction to Programming (2nd Edition)by Marijn Haverbeke
    • Completely Open Source
    •  DE: Die Kunst der JavaScript-Programmierung: Eine moderne Einführung in die Sprache des Web

  • Chapters Covered: 1-6
  • Coding Exercises
    • ​​To be submitted on Google Classroom (see Classroom Intro video in the 'Getting Started' section.
    • See end of Chapters for Homework (starting at Chp. 2)



Guided-Learning Component

Focus on introducing the wider theme of Full-Stack javascript, mainly:

  • Architecture
  • Concepts/Language
  • Versioning
  • Front-& Backend programming
  • Testing
  • Deployment


Semester Project and Report

  • Project will be introduced in detail in the 5th Session
  • Shared on Github
  • In essence, we will be: developing a distributed communication and visualisation system with Node.js, MongoDB, and P5.js


Final project result

About Me

This is me.

  • Originally from Lahore, Pakistan
  • Finished my Undergraduate in 2017 at Skidmore College, NY, USA
    • Double major: Geosciences and Physics,
    • Minor in Music
  • Programmer since I was 4 y/o
  • Founder of a tech startup in Halle - Adsata
  • Projektmanager at Institute für Technologie- und Wissenstransfer, MLU (Univations GmbH)

Closing Remarks

Introduce yourself under the "personal introductions" post on OUR Classroom stream

Tell us:

  • Your full name,
  • What you study and in which semester are in your your programme,
  • Your hobbies
  • Why do you want to learn full-stack javascript?


By taimurhk


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