EEG Paper
Data Format
- recall that there are 6 distinct paradigms:
- Passive: Resting, Surround Suppression, Video
- Active: Flickering, Sequence Learning, WISC
- .raw files contain the raw EEG data for all 6 experiments
.txt files contain the eye-tracking data, two of each from each paradigm.
- events - segmented into fixation, saccades, and blinks
- samples - unsegmented, includes info such as head position and head rotation
- .mat files have different types, some contain the metadata
CMI Share Folder
Main Folders
full_xxx.mat: Full partially processed data set, includes data on EEG
- Location of EEG
- Some metadata on events
- Etc. (sometimes has more data)
- reduced is after PCA and some preprocessing
Questions for Data Format
- Some of the full .mat files are missing fields/have empty fields. Have these not been filled yet/will more metadata be added later, or is it finalized? Also, is there a legend for it, because we only understand some of it.
- What programs is recommended for opening the EEG .raw files? Should we bother with the raw data?
Questions for Data Format(cont.)
- When describing the participants, what does it mean by "typically developing"? Are we describing mentally healthy patients or patients that are about to develop clinical disorders?
- Will visual learning and eye tracking rest data be separated?
Intrasubject Hypotheses:
- For resting, does the saccade duration increase as time elapsed increases due to the anxiety/ADHD that these patients have?
- Increased inability to focus on the fixation during resting activity corresponds with worse results in the active paradigms.
- Increased SSVEP/more varied SSVEP (via surround suppression) with worse/ results with the active paradigms.
Intersubject Hypotheses
- ADHD and anxiety diseases may cause more varied and less focused brain activity over time during the video stimuli.
- Subjects with ADHD and anxiety will have similar trends with video stimuli and WISC.
- SSVEP and resting activity should both be increased for people with mental diseases.
EEG Paper
By tsunwong625
EEG Paper
- 465