Upkar Lidder
Upkar Lidder is a Full Stack Developer and Data Wrangler with a decade of development experience in a variety of roles. He can be seen speaking at various conferences and participating in local tech groups and meetups.
Upkar Lidder Developer Advocate, IBM > ulidder@us.ibm.com > @lidderupk > upkarlidder.com/talks
IBM Cloud Sign up - https://ibm.biz/Bdqn4r
IBM Developer
1. Create IBM Cloud Account using THIS URL
3. Create a Cloudant Service from the Catalog - use Lite plan (you can have only one lite service with the free account)
2. Check your email and activate your account. Once activated, log back into your IBM Cloud account using the link above.
FINALLY - Download Postman - https://www.getpostman.com/downloads/
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
Apache CouchDB is a JSON document database
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
GET /_all_dbs
PUT /$dbname
DEL /$dbname
GET /$dbname
GET /$dbname/_all_docs
GET /$dbname/_id
DEL /$dbname/_id?rev_id
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
1. Create IBM Cloud Account using THIS URL
3. Create a Cloudant Service from the Catalog - use Lite plan (you can have only one lite service with the free account)
2. Check your email and activate your account. Once activated, log back into your IBM Cloud account using the link above.
FINALLY - Download Postman - https://www.getpostman.com/downloads/
IBM Developer
Pick "Use both legacy credentials and IAM"
IBM Developer
4. Copy your username, password and host. We will use them later to set Postman up.
5. Click on "Manage" and "Launch Cloudant"
IBM Developer
6. Create a new database. Call it users. Remember this name, we will use it later.
7. Create a new document inside the database
IBM Developer
8. Add JSON to the new document
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
IBM Developer
Map emits / returns a key and value pair
Reduce can be used to aggregate the values emitted by the map function
IBM Developer
CURL - every operation has an endpoint https://ibm.biz/cloudant-api Javascript - npm install --save @cloudant/cloudant Java - java-cloudant Python - pip install cloudant Swift - pod 'SwiftCloudant'
Cloudant Documentation - https://ibm.biz/cloudant-api
CouchDB Documentation - https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/index.html
schema-free document model
immutable documents, nothing is deleted, everything is appended
each document is JSON
Map Reduce
HTTP Based
Easy Replication
IBM Developer
Upkar Lidder, IBM
IBM Developer
By Upkar Lidder
Upkar Lidder is a Full Stack Developer and Data Wrangler with a decade of development experience in a variety of roles. He can be seen speaking at various conferences and participating in local tech groups and meetups.