Reflect &
Blended Learning


Self-Assess your skills

create & grow

Test Yourself with teaching


accurately identify your weaknesses

learn topics deeply by
teaching them to others

Generate your own projects to demonstrate mastery

self-assess your skills

self-assess your skills

After you've participated in a lesson or completed an activity, you want to Reflect on how you participated:

How far did I get?

How much is left?

How was the process?

Did I set the stage well?

Did I continually challenge myself and still have fun?

What can I do better next time?

self-assess your skills


Think back to an exercise from yesterday and answer the following questions for yourself:

How far did I get?

How much is left?

How was the process?

Did I set the stage well?

Did I continually challenge myself and still have fun?

What can I do better next time?

We'll share back in just a bit!

self-assess your skills

  • Create, rename and delete files and folders
  • Copy files and folders
  • Read and write files
  • List directory contents
  • Navigate using relative and home-directory-relative paths
  • Use tab completion and history navigation to speed up development


Read the following standard and make sure to
Define Terms & Understand Actions

self-assess your skills

  • Create, rename and delete files and folders
  • Copy files and folders
  • Read and write files
  • List directory contents
  • Navigate using relative and home-directory-relative paths
  • Use tab completion and history navigation to speed up development


For each bullet point, ask yourself the following:

  • Do I understand what is being asked?
  • Can I do what is being asked from memory?
  • Can I answer how it happens and why it happens?

Write down those bullet points you don't feel you've mastered.

Create & grow

create & grow

We will provide many opportunities for you to demonstrate mastery; however, you will need to have ownership over your learning to excel.







create & grow

Let's take the following Success Criteria:
Read and write files

How might we study this so that we can attain mastery?

Reps: Create a new file and write my name to it. Then read the file. Repeat 10 times.

Project: Build a script that takes an argument, writes it to a feel, and then reads it.

Teach: Present a breakout on the different ways to read and write files.

create & grow


Let's take the following Success Criteria:
Navigate using relative and home-directory-relative paths

How might we study this so that we can attain mastery?

Write an exercise allows someone to practice this skill. Make sure to include the Success Criteria and instructions!

create & grow


Take the following Standard and create an exercise that covers at least 3 of the Success Criteria.

  • Use operators &&, ||
  • String concatenation
  • Math operations
  • Precedence / parenthesis
  • Prefix / Postfix notation for integers
  • Variables (var, let, const)
  • Literals

Now share your exercise with a pair. The next time you have Mastery Training Time, do the exercise!

test yourself with teaching

test yourself with teaching

Recall that Doing & Teaching is the best way to learn!

test yourself with teaching

How to do our jobs:
How to teach a breakout or lesson:

Define Objectives (Standards)

Create an Assessment (Exercises & Homework)

Choose A Path to Get There (Lesson Planning)

This is the hardest part!

test yourself with teaching

Types of Lessons:
(A necessarily abridged version)


Presentation & Slides (Visual & high Level)

Mini Exercises (I Do, We Do, You Do)

relative difficulty

You'll see us do all of these!

test yourself with teaching

There are many opportunities to teach:

Mastery Training Time during Class



Mentorship Opportunities with Other Classes

Learn & Lunch with Galvanize Members & Employees

test yourself with teaching

Presentation & Slides (Visual & high Level)

Mini Exercises (I Do, We Do, You Do)


Pick one of the following options and briefly outline how you would use it to teach the following Standard:

  • Open a file
  • Toggle between command mode and edit mode
  • Save a file and quit


accurately identify your weaknesses

learn topics deeply by
teaching them to others

Generate your own projects to demonstrate mastery

Reflect & Blended Learning

By Wes Reid

Reflect & Blended Learning

  • 697