
CTF challenges & jobs at the same place

⌛ History

  • Work started in early 2023
  • Beta in September 2023
  • 1st release in January 2024


  • 2 peoples working on the core of F4J
  • 2 challenge creators (more to come)
  • ~20 challenge reviewers

@xanhacks - flag4jobs.com

  • Deploy a unique instance per player
  • Real-word skills
    • Forensic case based on attackers' TTP
    • Web challenges based on bugbounty/pentest
    • Malware analysis on disarmed malware
    • ...
  • Player's experience first
    • Whitebox as much as possible
    • Multiple flags & questions
    • Scenarios & less guessing
  • Elegant, fluid & easy-to-use interface

🙌 Advantages

@xanhacks - flag4jobs.com

🗄️ Infrastructure

@xanhacks - flag4jobs.com

Cheap (~20€/month) & easy to maintain

  1. More challenges
  2. Create writeups in Markdown
  3. Multi-language supports
  4. Allow companies to publish job offers

🗒️ Roadmap

@xanhacks - flag4jobs.com

🏁 End!

Register on flag4jobs.com


By xanhacks


  • 50