egg: Fast and Extensible Equality Saturation

Max Willsey, Chandrakana Nandi, Yisu Remy Wang, Oliver Flatt, Zachary Tatlock, Pavel Panchekha


  • Equality saturation
  • Fast: deferred invariant maintenance
  • Extensible: e-class analyses

Growing E-Graph

Equality Saturation

key invariant to maintain: the equivalence relation is closed under congruence. (a = b implies f(a) = f(b))

deferred invariant maintenance

find all patterns

initial term


apply all matches

restore all invariants

optimized term

comparison of pseducode


Overall, congruence is 88x faster, and equality saturation is 21x faster

Intuition of the speed-up

  • Consider f1(x) ... fn(x) and y1 ... yn
  • workload: merge(x, y1) ... merge(x, yn)
  • traditional: O(n^2)
  • deferred only does O(n)

egg: A Rust library

  • An open source Rust library

Case study

  • Herbie: floating point
    • 3000x faster
  • SPORES: linear algebra kernels
    • 1.5-2x better
  • TASO(SOSP'19): superoptimization of ML Computational graph
    • substition of computational subgraphs
    • 23% better, 48x faster
  • Szalinski: CAD synthesis
    • 1000x faster
  • ..., TVM, Java testing, vectorization, hw/sw co-design, educational problems, ...

egg: Fast and Extensible Equality Saturation

By Xingyu Xie

egg: Fast and Extensible Equality Saturation

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