Three Faces of Natural Deduction

Author: G. Mints

Presenter: X. Xie

What three faces?

  • extracting programs from proofs (Curry-Howard isomorphism)
  • rigorous human reasoning
  • suitable for immediate proof search

Translations of sequent calculus into natural deduction

Term assignment systems that operates statements in the form of

where x1, ..., xn are variables, u is a term and A1, ..., An and D are formulas.


To find a term for formula D that encodes a proof d, which is call T(d).

Global term assignment T

Correspondence between lambda-terms and natural deductions

Local term assignment L

Differs only by the terms assigned to conclusions of antecedent logical rules and cut:

viewed as intertranslations between sequent system LJ and system NJ of natural deduction

Tranformation between T and L

Theorem: For every derivation d in LJ, 

T(d) = \phi(\mathbf{L}'(d))


Add new indexed lambda-symbols λi to define L'(d).

Intuitionistic predicate logic NJi with existential instantiation

Assumptions of NJi are formulas as well as expressions of the form

Inference rules

Soundness & Completeness

Gather rules of NJi and NJ together to get NJ+, and prove the equivalence of NJ, NJi and NJ+.

Natural Deduction and Resolution

We consider system Rip


Three Faces of Natual Deduction

By Xingyu Xie

Three Faces of Natual Deduction

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