PHP, Drupal & Friends

Meetup #1, November 6th, 2018

PHP, Drupal & Friends

Meetup #1, November 6th, 2018

  • 18.30 - Introduction
  • 18.45 - Topic 1
  • 19.45 - Pizza time
  • 20.00 - Topic 2
  • 21.00 - Questions, ideas



PHP, Drupal & Friends

Meetup #1, November 6th, 2018

About me

Eugene Zenko

  • PHP Technical Lead @ Colours
  • Organizer Drupal Minsk UG,
    DrupalCamp Belarus 2019
  • Fan of open source and community events
  • Live music, informal talks, football, bruin cafes
  • Family guy
  • Socials: @zeuty
  • Linkedin: yzenko

PHP, Drupal & Friends

Meetup #1, November 6th, 2018


Johan Voeten

Ilya Pukhalski

  • On JAM stack architectures
  • Component based frontend development.
    Using atomic design in Drupal 8.

PHP, Drupal & Friends

Meetup #1, November 6th, 2018

We are hiring



Den Bosch

PHP, Drupal & Friends - Meetup November

By Yauhen Zenko

PHP, Drupal & Friends - Meetup November

  • 867