Developer Tutorial:
User Interface Controls


Alex Cumberland

User Interface Controls are an extension of the standard HTML element library,
and use the same "tags" syntax.

Oncord UI Controls also have a set of attributes to control how elements behave, and display data.

HTML attributes are used to provide additional information about HTML elements.

For example <div class="col-sm-6" id="service">


An Example:

A layout element that groups content into "sections", and provides an improved page editing experience.

Adding UI Controls to a Page or Design

Adding UI Controls to a Page or Design

The Controls API

Explore the full library of User Interface controls,

with documentation of attributes, and examples.


Oncord Website > Agencies >
Developer Resources > Controls API


The Oncord PHP API

The Oncord PHP API provides a library of methods that can be used to retrieve or manipulate data from Oncord

As an example - data associated with Contacts, Pages, Posts or Products.

Oncord's PHP API is logically sorted by Components:



This UI control sets a new variable to be used throughout the document.

An expression can be placed anywhere in the document, starting with [? and ending with ?]

Oncord PHP API

Explore the full library of methods that can be used to retrieve or manipulate data from Oncord Components.

Oncord Website > Agencies >
Developer Resources > Components


The Oncord PHP API provides a library of methods that can be used to retrieve or manipulate data from Oncord.

User Interface Controls add dynamic features to your HTML markup such as forms, galleries and navigation menus.

An expression can be placed anywhere in the document.

Starting with [? and ending with ?]

Oncord UI Controls

By Alex Cumberland

Oncord UI Controls

Oncord features a library of User Interface Controls for adding dynamic elements to your pages, such as web forms, galleries and navigation menus.

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