Remote Self Study Python - Group 3
Daniel Wheeler
What is Software Carpentry?
- Teach computer skills for research tasks
- "get more done in less time with less pain"
- Since 1998
- 500 workshops, 16000 learners, 450 instructors
- Volunteer organization
Why is this useful?
- Improve productivity
- Fundamental tools (command line / programming language / version control)
Otherwise difficult to learn
How does this work?
- Software (Jupyter, Text Editor + command line,
- I'm assuming you have no experience with Python (if I teach)
- Please ask me to slow down in the chat interface
- Just 1 hour today and then 2 x 1 hour subsequent meets
- Is everyone on the Slack channel?
- Pre-workshop survey:
- I'm signed in twice in case my computer crashes
- You'll need a view of the presentation in Google Meet and a view of your python environment (two windows)
Code of Conduct
- Comfortable and enjoyable environment to learn
- Please add your name, choose a color
- Include why you want to learn Python?
- Etherpad:
- Please chat in the Etherpad (Google Meet chat is not persistent)
- Ensure you have Jupyter installed (it will help)
- Does everyone have a Python environment?
- print("hello world")
- What version of Python?
- import numpy
- Please contact me in Slack afterwards to work through any setup issues
Using Jupyter (notebook or lab)
Why learn Python?
It's a programming language - doesn't matter
Alternatives: Matlab, Mathematica, Perl, Ruby, Julia
Widely used in science
Widely used outside of science (web platforms, data science)
Number 3 on TIOBE index (Java, C, Python),
What else: huge active community, many scientific libraries, high level, open
Some drawbacks (types, reproducibility)
Study Material
SWC, heavily Pandas based
Python like you mean it
Automate the boring stuff
Any other ideas? Other books, learning materials?
Would you like me to teach this with live coding?
1. Self study only
2. Self study + live coding from select parts
3. Turn into workshop with all live coding
- Find a problem in Python that you have an issue with as you work through the material
- Either show that you now understand it or ask for help in the meeting
- Homework for next week
- Show the code and talk through it a little bit
- Example
- How do I merge two dictionaries?
- How do I reindex a dataframe in Pandas?
- How do I even read my data into Pandas or a Numpy array?
By Daniel Wheeler
- 549