Data science tools

for reproducible neuroscience


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by the end of this talk, you should be able to say you can...

  1. Find, browse, and clone GitHub repositories

  2. Open a JupyterLab Notebook and use it

  3. Run a Docker image (or a BIDS App)

  4. Navigate BIDS data and metadata

  5. Know where to find ABCD Study data

Prerequisite knowledge

You can open a terminal and run commands.


if terminals make you uncomfortable, read the below chapter:

Conquering the Command Line, Chapter 1: Basics and Navigation

Repeatable & Reproducible


same team & same experimental setup

reproducible methods

different team & same experimental setup

reproducible results

different team & different experimental setup

reproducible inferences

similar conclusions from independent replication or re-analysis

Git is version control

a way to preserve the history of changes

Edit & Save

one person or many people collaboratively

Reproducible Git

anyone can make exact copies at exact versions

Scenario 1: Merging changes

I have processing pipeline code that is missing a new option.
Kathy has already developed and tested that code out.
We can work together to merge Kathy's changes into my version.


Scenario 2: Restoring old stuff

Anders changed some analysis code to add a feature.

His new change breaks Oscar's old analysis.

Oscar can restore the old version and avoid the new changes.

DEMO: GitHub in action

  1. Use Search to find the ABCD-STUDY GitHub organization
  2. Open the abcd-dicom2bids repository
  3. Browse the src folder
  4. Go back to the top of the repo and Clone or download

JupyterLab is a lab notebook

a way to record and repeat exactly what you did before

Text, code, and graphics

JupyterLab notebooks work interactively

DEMO: JupyterLab in action

  1. Open JupyterLab online
  2. Notice the difference between Markdown and Code cells
  3. Run the first two Code cells

Docker is containerization

containers (a.k.a. images) package dependencies and environments

Pull from DockerHub

containers built from Linux operating systems


​docker pull dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline

Exact environments

share your code without duplicating environments

Scenario 1: Collaboration

I have a processing pipeline and a server cluster.

My collaborator cross-country has a laptop.

No complicated setup and configuration, only need to run Docker.


Scenario 2: Reproducible results

Different team, different compute setup.

Mac, Linux, or Windows.

Container always behaves the same.

Running Containers

# -it       Get an interactive terminal #
# --rm      Clean up container on exit  #
# -v /A:/B  Mount /A inside image as /B #

# Open an Ubuntu 18.04 Docker image with a BASH terminal
# and have your home folder available inside as /myhome
docker run -it --rm \
           -v ${HOME}:/myhome \
           ubuntu:18.04 /bin/bash

BIDS is a growing standard

the standard defines file/folder structure, data, and metadata

Data & Metadata

for every data file there is a metadata file

    "Modality": "MR",
    "MagneticFieldStrength": 3,
    "Manufacturer": "Siemens",
    "ManufacturersModelName": "Prisma",
    "DeviceSerialNumber": "anon8928",
    "BodyPartExamined": "BRAIN",
    "PatientPosition": "HFS",
    "SoftwareVersions": "syngo_MR_E11",
    "MRAcquisitionType": "3D",
    "SeriesDescription": "ABCD-T1-NORM_SIEMENS_original_(baseline_year_1_arm_1)",
    "ProtocolName": "ABCD_T1w_MPR_vNav",
    "ScanningSequence": "GR_IR",
    "SequenceVariant": "SK_SP_MP",
    "ScanOptions": "IR_WE",
    "SequenceName": "tfl3d1_16ns",
    "ImageType": [
    "SeriesNumber": 5,

Different studies

have the same layout

no matter the study, I can still find imaging data

Dcm2Bids converts DICOMs

go from raw MRI data directly to BIDS

Only data you want

a config file allows you flexibility in what to convert

    "descriptions": [
            "dataType": "anat",
            "modalityLabel": "T1w",
            "criteria": {
                "SeriesDescription": "ABCD-T1_SIEMENS_original_(baseline_year_1_arm_1)"
            "dataType": "func",
            "modalityLabel": "bold",
            "customLabels": "task-rest",
            "criteria": {
                "SeriesDescription": "ABCD-rsfMRI_SIEMENS_mosaic_original_(baseline_year_1_arm_1)"

Regular BIDS setup

get all the BIDS MRI inputs with less hassle

# 2. dcm2bids_scaffold
# 4. Build your configuration file with the help of the content
#    of tmp_dcm2bids/helper

# For the dcm2bids command itself:
#   DICOM_DIR is a directory of DICOMs
#   PARTICIPANT_ID and SESSION_ID are IDs picked by you
#   These IDs MUST be only alphanumeric with no symbols
#   CONFIG_FILE is a Dcm2Bids configuration JSON file
#   Read here for more on CONFIG_FILE:

usage: [-h]
	              [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]]
	              bids_dir output_dir {participant,group}

	Example BIDS App entry point script.

	positional arguments:
	  bids_dir              The directory with the input dataset formatted
	                        according to the BIDS standard.
	  output_dir            The directory where the output files should be stored.
	                        If you are running a group level analysis, this folder
	                        should be prepopulated with the results of
	                        the participant level analysis.
	  {participant,group}   Level of the analysis that will be performed. Multiple
	                        participant level analyses can be run independently
	                        (in parallel).

	optional arguments:
	  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
	  --participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]
	                        The label(s) of the participant(s) that should be
	                        analyzed. The label corresponds to
	                        sub-<participant_label> from the BIDS spec (so it does
	                        not include "sub-"). If this parameter is not provided
	                        all subjects will be analyzed. Multiple participants
	                        can be specified with a space separated list.

Many Apps

the community is making more apps all the time


the pipeline used by the next big ABCD NDA data share

# Run the abcd-hcp-pipeline on all subjects
# within the local /path/to/bids_dataset
# mounted "read-only" (ro) as /input
# and /path/to/outputs as /output
# and /path/to/freesurfer/license
# as /license

docker run -it --rm \
    -v /path/to/bids_dataset:/input:ro \
    -v /path/to/outputs:/output \
    -v /path/to/freesurfer/license:/license \
    dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline /input /output \
        --freesurfer-license=/license [OPTIONS]

standards are young and growing

standards for all output/derivative data types

ABCD-BIDS Derivatives

NDA is the ABCD data site

imaging and non-imaging data alike are hosted openly

DEMO: NDA in action

  1. Open NDA website
  2. Look at the Get Data in beta
  3. Look at Available Datasets and the (i) info button

ABCD-BIDS Collection

Collection #3165

DCAN Labs ABCD-BIDS MRI pipeline inputs and derivatives


estimated NDA release: September-November 2019

  • All ABCD Study participants' baseline imaging data that passed QC from the DAIC were processed by OHSU DCAN Labs

  • BIDS inputs and abcd-hcp-pipeline processed BIDS derivatives

Take-aways (revisited)

can you...

  1. Find, browse, and clone GitHub repositories?

  2. Open a JupyterLab Notebook and use it?

  3. Run a Docker image (or a BIDS App)?

  4. Navigate BIDS data and metadata?

  5. Know where to find ABCD Study data?

My personal favorites

  1. Good enough practices in scientific computing
    Wilson, et al, PLOS Computation Biology, 2017.

  2. The brain imaging data structure, a format for organizing and describing outputs of neuroimaging experiments
    Gorgolewski, et al, Scientific Data, 2016.

  3. GitHub - "Built for developers", but realistically everybody...

  4. BALSA File Types - Explanation of common imaging file formats


Data science tools for reproducible neuroimaging research

By Eric Earl

Data science tools for reproducible neuroimaging research

A presentation for the ABCD Workshop 2019 on data science and programming tools for reproducible neuroimaging research. This presentation focuses on the tools of the trade and is meant for all audiences.

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