Everything I know about Firefox Devtools
Lets explore about
- Inspector
- CSS editor
- JS Debugger
- Responsive design mode
- Network throttling
- Network Monitoring
- Firefox Dev edition
Page Inspector
- Inspect elements
- Examine and edit CSS
- Examine and edit HTML
- reposition elements
- View fonts
- Viewing the box model
- visualize transformations
- Using inspector from console
- Inspect Animations
- http://devtoolschallenger.com/
Style Editor
- Go to tools>web developer> style editor
- Add new css, save the css file, remove the css stylings in your page.
- Open debugger
- setting up breakpoint and conditional breakpoint
- pretty-print the source file
- Step through code
Web Console
- Watch out js logs, errors etc.
- view console messages
- Access variables
- Important commands
- copy, clear, inspect, $0
- Open scratchpad
- Tools> Web Developer> Scratchpad
- write your js code
- execute it
Memory Lookup
- Enable Memory Tab
- Take a snapshot
- Examine the memory distribution
Storage Inspector
- Enable Storage Inspector tab
- use console to get and set values in local storage, session storage and indexedDB
- Examine the cookie structure and data
Network monitor
- Enable Network monitor from settings
- study the request params and headers
- expand the json tree view and examine data
- status messages, urls etc.
Few other simple tools
- Eyedropper
- copy command
- Advanced Search
- https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/developer/
- memory tool- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJLoq5E5ww0
- storage inspector- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Storage_Inspector
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt7DZACyClM
- style editor- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7839qc55r7o
Firefox Devtools
By Santosh Viswanatham
Firefox Devtools
- 1,778