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Javier Garcia-Bernardo
About me
Always wanted to help the others:
- Instructor
- TA
- books4equality
- bike shop
My last semester of my master in Computer Science
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Downstream Gene Expression
Small fluctuations in ActivatorCoordination
Coordination is good
Noise in Gene Expression
Intrinsic: Affect to only one gene.
E.g. RNApolymerase binding to a promoter
Inherent to the Gillespie Algorithm
Extrinsic: Affect to all genes
E.g. Fluctuations in the levels of the RNApolymerase
Modelled with a Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
Emergence of Coordination
from noise in gene expression
TATA box example
Lots of genes in stress response in yeast have a TATA box.
Is that advantage due to coordination?
Has noise evolved?
Small fluctuations in the Activator
coordinate expression of Downstream genes.
Even Infrequent coordination helps to bet-hedge
against sudden changes in the environment.
They do this without cost (Not shown).
Noise can produce the fluctuations.
By Javier GB
- 1,097