• ManyWorlds: Combinatorial Programming Summary

    Poster for XAI - the Explainable Symbolic AI workshop

  • ManyWorlds - Combinatorial Programming with Functions - ORBEL

    Presentation of ManyWorlds for Operations Research experts

  • ManyWorlds - Combinatorial programming with functions

  • ManyWorlds - Combinatorial programming with functions

  • Common Subexpression Elimination

  • ManyWorlds - combinatorial programming made simple

  • Research summary

  • Conflict-driven cutting-plane learning

  • Compiling Constraints

  • Explanation limits

  • Knowledge bases for healthcare

  • Knowledge Base Paradigm

  • Research elevator pitch

  • Copy of Constraint Reasoning, Pseudo-Boolean style

  • Contactmoment 10 mei

  • Contactmoment 3 mei

  • 18c. 0-1 Integer linear programming

  • 18b. FO(.) en IDP

  • 18a. Predikatenlogica

  • Ruben's favorite programming language

  • Contactmoment 26 april

  • 17b. Programmeerparadigma's

  • 17a. Turingmachines

  • 16c. Debugging

  • 16a. Softwarevereisten

  • 16b. Testen

  • Contactmoment 19 april

  • Contactmoment 29 maart

  • 14c. Hashtabel analyse

  • 14b. Hashtabel

  • 14a. Tabellen

  • Contactmoment 24 maart

  • 13c. Robotvoorbeeld

  • 13b. Backtracking

  • 13a. Zoekproblemen

  • Contactmoment 22 maart

  • 12c. Huffmanboom constructie

  • 12b. Huffmanboom

  • 12a. Huffmancodering intro

  • Contactmoment 17 maart

  • Contactmoment 15 maart

  • 11c. Merge sort

  • 11b. Quicksort

  • 11a. Selection sort

  • 10d. Gebalanceerde zoekbomen

  • 10c. Zoekbomen

  • 10b. Expressiebomen

  • 10a. Bomen

  • Solving 0-1 Integer Linear Programs with Core-guided Optimisation

  • Contactmoment 8 maart