• General Framework - V2

    Proposed general framework for considering spillover risk at the Wildlife-Livestock interface. June 8, 2017; K. Manlove, preparer.

  • General Framework

    Proposed general framework for considering spillover risk at the Wildlife-Livestock interface. June 8, 2017; K. Manlove, preparer.

  • Transmission structures

  • Disease Ecology Overview

  • SheepChronicCarriage

    For Pete!

  • Pneumonia dynamics in bighorn sheep

  • Title

  • deck

  • Plots in R

    Bozeman area UseR on high-quality plotting in R

  • SheepBehavior2015

    Update on bighorn research through 2015, plus next steps

  • Math models for epi

    Applied math seminar talk

  • GISinR

    UseR-Bozeman presentation on using R for GIS functionalities

  • Digital Silence

    Gender biases in scientific computing