Klas Modin PRO
Mathematician at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg
Seminar series about Fields Medalists 2018
Alessio Figalli
Nationality: Italian
Born: 1984
Master's degree 2006 (SNS Pisa)
PhD 2007 (SNS Pisa and ENS Lyon)
Luigi Ambrosio (SNS Pisa)
Cedric Villani (ENS Lyon)
CNRS 2007
École polytechnique 2008-2009
University of Texas in Austin 2009-2016
ETH Zürich 2016-today
Awarded the Fields Medal for his contributions to the theory of optimal transport and its applications in partial differential equations, metric geometry, and probability
Optimal mass transport (OMT)
Fluid dynamics (Euler equations, etc)
Weak KAM theory
Geometric measure theory
Stochastic analysis
Random matrices
Very productive 120+ papers, 2 books, 25 lecture notes, ...
Focus of today
Question (Monge 1781): Cheapest way to transport one mass distribution to another?
Mathematical formulation:
Additional requirement: T should minimize
Transport map
Theorem (Brenier 1991):
μ0,μ1 prob measures on Rn with finite second moment, μ0=ρ0dx
Then (∗) has unique solution T=∇P
where P:Rn→R is convex
If μ1=ρ1dx then (formally) P solves the Monge-Ampere equation det(D2P)=ρ1∘∇Pρ0⟺MA(P)=ρ1∘∇Pρ0
Theorem (De Philippis and Figalli 2013):
If Ω⊂Rn is convex and bounded, P:Ω→R is convex, and 0<λ≤det(D2P)≤Λ<∞
then P∈Wloc2,1(Ω)
The solution T=∇P to (∗) belong to Wloc1,1(Ω)
Domain Ω⊂R3, velocity field v=v(t,x)
Discovery by Arnold 1966:
Solutions to (∗) correspond to geodesics on the infinite-dimensional manifold SDiff(Ω) with Riemannian L2-metric ⟨V,V⟩S=∫Ω∣V∣2dx where v=V∘S−1
(Benamou and Brenier 2000, Otto 2001)
Brenier's polar
factorization: F=∇P∘S
T=∇P solves OMT problem with μ0=dx and μ1=ρdx
Semi-geostrophic wind:
Coriolis force
Aim: equation for vg
Now 2D: v=(v1,v2) and replace l.h.s. by semi-geostrophic wind
Notice: no time-derivative on v
As written, SGE is hard to analyze!
Rewrite in simpler form?
(Hoskins and Bretherton 1972)
Change of variables:
(assume P convex)
Key: Think of T=∇P as transport map
Apply Arnold's approach:
right translation of ∂tT gives vector field
By construction
Close relation to vorticity equation
Theorem (Benamou and Brenier 1998):
Dual SGE admits global weak solution
Recall: SGE
Does weak dual SGE solution give solution to SGE?
How is p,v reconstructed from ρ,P∗ ?
Problem: no meaning a priori
Theorem (Ambrosio, Colombo, De Philippis, Figalli 2012):
(ρ,P∗) weak solution to dual SGE on T2 with initial data fulfilling
Then v=−D2P∗∘∇P(∂t∇P+J(∇P−x)) is well-defined weakly and (v,p=P−2∣x∣2) is weak solution to SGE
Proof uses:
G. De Philippis, A. Figalli
W2,1 regularity for solutions of the Monge-Ampere equation
Invent. Math. (2013)
L. Ambrosio, M. Colombo, G. De Philippis, A. Figalli
Existence of Eulerian solutions to the semigeostrophic equations in physical space: the 2-dimensional periodic case
Comm. Partial Differential Equations (2012)
Slides available at: slides.com/kmodin
By Klas Modin
Seminar series about Fields Medalists 2018 at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers and GU.
Mathematician at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg